"Teacher Twitter Participation for Reflection on Pedagogical Practices" by Jeanette Delgado

Date of Conferral







Darci J. Harland


Classroom teachers' professional isolation can affect their attitude and performance each day. Research has shown that Twitter is a place where teachers connect, collaborate, and engage. However, few studies have explored teacher participation on Twitter in relation to teacher reflection. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore how teacher professional participation on Twitter influences teacher reflection on pedagogical practices. The conceptual framework used in the study was a depth of reflection model and Fischer's richer ecologies of participation model. The research questions addressed what professional activities 9 K-12 teachers participated in, and how they used Twitter to reflect on pedagogy. Using the case study approach, data were collected from interviews, teacher tweets, and reflective journal responses. The data were analyzed using two levels of coding; a priori coding and emerging codes. Results showed that on Twitter, teachers participated in a variety of roles, from lurking to meta-designer and used Twitter to feel professionally connected, to build their professional identity, and to exchange ideas. Results also showed that teachers primarily used Twitter in nonreflective ways by sharing comments and posting questions, but also teachers reflected at higher levels when they shared how their pedagogical practice had been informed and changed by their participation on Twitter. The results of this case study may provide insight to school administrators, researchers, and teachers regarding the effectiveness of Twitter as professional development that can be used to connect teachers and encourage reflection about their teaching practice.
