Public Stigma, Familiarity With Mental Illness, and Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services, Eugenia Combie-Knowles
Addressing Bullying and Incivility Among Nurses, Caroline Holland Combs
Juvenile Arrest and Recidivism Rate in Fulton County, Georgia, Norell Combs
Student Engagement, Self-Regulation, Satisfaction, and Success in Online Learning Environments, Marcia Anne Commissiong
Obstacles With Data Security: Strategies From Carolina Universities, Yamiah R. Compton
A Correlational Study of Manager-Employee Relationship, Employee Rewards, and Employee Engagement, Hilda M. Concepcion
Parental Perceptions of Mobile Device Learning for Students in Special Education, Persjha T. Conry
Strategies to Manage Quality in Outsourced Manufacturing Processes, Claudia Elizabeth Contreras
Recidivism in the U.S. Criminal and Military Justice Systems, Dameian Cooper
Investigating Active Learning in Inclusion and Resource Language Arts Classrooms, Haley Cooper
Social Workers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Trauma on Police Officers, Amber Leigh Copeland
Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction’s Impact on Productivity in the Distribution Industry, JESSICA COPELAND
African American Law Enforcers’ Perceptions About Crime in Minority Communities, Shantae Coppock
The Influence of Professional Development as Perceived by In-Service Military Instructors, Blaise Cornell-d'Echert, Jr.
Administrators’ Roles and Practices in the Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions, Frances Correa-Phelps
Emotional Intelligence, Self-Directed Learning, and Online Success in Adult Learners: A Mediation Model, Amanda C. Coté
Strategies Administrators Use to Mitigate Cloud Computing Data Threats and Breaches, Wanda Cotton
The Impact of the State of Alabama's Academic Goals of 2030 on Outcomes for High School At-Risk Minority Students, Kameka Dorsey Cottrell
Clinician Experiences with Religious, Spiritual, and Nonreligious Beliefs in Psychotherapeutic Interactions, Carolyn Rochelle Cowl-Witherspoon
Experiences of PTSD Sufferers Who Participate in Internet-Based Virtual World Activities in Desktop Virtual Reality Environments, Colleen Margaret Crary
Dispositional Self-Control and Motherhood: An Investigation into Recidivism, Corliss Crawford-Bayles
Strategies Leaders in the Retail Industry Use to Increase Employee Engagement, Yvonne Nicole Crawford
Perceptions of High School Principals about Improving African American Male Academic Outcomes, Andre Lavelle Credit
Educational Program for Decreasing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections, Josephine Crentsil
Managing Energy as Experienced by Female Federal Senior Managers, Gwendolyn Jones Crimiel