Postsecondary Education, Self-Efficacy, and Organizational Commitment Impact on Previously Incarcerated Employee Job Satisfaction, Elizabeth Sadler Roney
Postsecondary Education, Self-Efficacy, and Organizational Commitment Impact on Previously Incarcerated Employee Job Satisfaction, Elizabeth Sadler Roney
Gender Transitioning in Childhood: A Hermeneutic Study of Parental Reactions, Ashley Rosenberg
Leadership Strategies That Support the Reduction of Student Discipline Problems, Aaron J. Rose, Sr.
Leadership Strategies That Support the Reduction of Student Discipline Problems, Aaron J. Rose, Sr.
Perception of Effective Leadership Concerning Nurse Satisfaction and Intent to Leave, Tina Marie Rose
Perception of Effective Leadership Concerning Nurse Satisfaction and Intent to Leave, Tina Marie Rose
Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Prevention Education, Mary Jo Roskos
African Americans’ Perceptions of COVID-19 Vaccination Clinical Trials and Factors Affecting Their Decision to Participate, Christina Ross
Early Childhood Teachers’ Perspectives on Professional Development Activities, Gordia A. Ross
Perceptions of Law Enforcement Officers Regarding Their Interactions with Persons in Mental Health Crises., Monica Roundtree
Perceptions of Law Enforcement Officers Regarding Their Interactions with Persons in Mental Health Crises., Monica Roundtree
Sex Trafficking: Saudi Arabian Women's Perspectives, Jennifer O. Rowland
Strategies for Mitigating Cyberattacks Against Small Retail Businesses, Christopher Curtis Royal
Heterosexual Male Sexual Assault Victims Experience of Challenges in Reporting Their Victimization, Jessica Lynn Rundle
Heterosexual Male Sexual Assault Victims Experience of Challenges in Reporting Their Victimization, Jessica Lynn Rundle
Employee Engagement and Leadership in the Federal Sector, Quanekqua Tequila Russell Pringle
Lived Experiences of Female Executives Leading During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Jane Loya Ryan
Teachers’ Use of Game-Based Technology Assessment Tools in United Arab Emirates Middle Schools, Simone Saad
The Rome Statute and its Significance in Combatting Impunity for Rape in Ethiopia, Kassahun Yibeltal Sahilu
The Rome Statute and its Significance in Combatting Impunity for Rape in Ethiopia, Kassahun Yibeltal Sahilu
Experiences and Perceptions of Local Diocesan Catholic School Teachers Regarding the Progress of Their Implementation of Project-Based Learning in the Classroom, Donna Lee Saladino
Experiences and Perceptions of Local Diocesan Catholic School Teachers Regarding the Progress of Their Implementation of Project-Based Learning in the Classroom, Donna Lee Saladino
Teacher and Administrator Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Instructional Coaching, Judith Salazar