2020: Issue 1
Letters from the Editor
Higher Education, HLRC, Pandemics, and Racism
Gary J. Burkholder and Erwin Krauskopf
COVID-19: Threat or Opportunity for Online Education?
Dimitrios Vlachopoulos
Research Articles
Online Doctoral Student Research and Writing Self-Efficacy in a Publishing Internship
Lee M. Stadtlander, Amy Sickel, and Daniel Salter
Western Faculty Members' Cross-Border Lived Experiences
Xin Bu, Bill McCaw, and Patty Kero
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research for Professional Academic Development in Higher Education
Elizabeth Johnston, Cheryl Burleigh, and Andrea Wilson
Insights for Community Outreach Building to Promote Lifelong Learning with Higher Education Alumni in Chile
Paula A. Charbonneau-Gowdy and Héctor A. Magaña