About This Journal
HLRC is an open-access journal with an international focus published by Walden University, USA. It is indexed in Scopus and is listed in other indexes and abstracting services. We aim to disseminate both high-quality research and teaching best practices in tertiary education across cultures and disciplines. HLRC connects the ways research and best practices contribute to the public good and impact the communities that educators serve. Aims and Scope.
Open Access
HLRC provides immediate open access to its content without barriers, subscriptions, fees, or charges on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Please see the Policies section for more information on authors’ rights.
Publication Schedule
HLRC editors publish manuscripts as they are accepted and complete the final copyedit process. Published articles will be compiled in two separate issues per volume, one in June and one in December. The editors may also publish supplements to address specific topics of interest.
Acceptance and Rejection Rates
- 2020: Acceptance: 47%; Rejection: 53%
- 2021: Acceptance: 34%; Rejection: 66%
- 2022: Acceptance: 31%; Rejection: 69%
- 2023: Acceptance: 12%; Rejection: 88%
Journal History
The journal was founded in 2011 by four Laureate International Universities® network institutions: Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey), Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile), Universidad Europea de Madrid (Spain), and Walden University (USA).
Indexes and Databases
HLRC is indexed by the following services:
It is also included in the following databases:- ABACUS
- Dialnet
- Electronic Journals Library (EZB)
- Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE)
- ProQuest Education Journals
- Questia
- SciLit
- SUNCAT (Serials Union Catalogue [UK])
Privacy Statement
The names and e-mail addresses entered in the HLRC site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of the journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
The Editors
Dr. Laura Knight Lynn, Editor-in-Chief, HLRC, Walden University
Kathleeen Morrison, Managing Editor, HLRC, Walden University
Contact the editors at hlrceditor@mail.waldenu.edu