Higher Learning Research Communications

HLRC is an open-access journal with an international focus published by Walden University. It is indexed in Scopus and is listed in other indexes and abstracting services. Its aim is to disseminate both high-quality research and teaching best practices in tertiary education across cultures and disciplines. HLRC connects the ways research and best practices contribute to the public good and impact the communities that educators serve. ISSN 2157-6254 (Online)Higher Learning Research Communications.

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Announcement: Dr. Gary Burkholder has stepped down as Editor of the HLRC effective July 2, 2024.

A very special thanks to Dr. Gary Burkholder for founding and serving as Editor for HLRC journal. Through his leadership we have seen growing readership and improvement in journal impact factor and Scimago journal rankings (Q2).

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Audio - Article Summaries Volume 14, Issue 1 (English)
Gary J. Burkholder and Erwin Krauskopf