Higher Learning Research Communications

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Louie Giray, LPT, MC



Objectives: I analyze, deconstruct, and debunk prevalent misconceptions about artificial intelligence (AI) in education.

Methods: This study identifies and presents ten common myths about AI in education, followed by concise explanations that counter each myth with the corresponding reality, relying on credible sources and evidence.

Results: AI does not replace educators; it lacks the vital human qualities crucial for effective learning experiences. Thus, it can complement rather than substitute for educators. Physical classrooms remain pivotal for fostering student engagement, an element AI cannot fully replicate, challenging the notion of AI replacing the need for traditional classrooms. Despite excelling in specific tasks, AI lacks human cognitive characteristics such as understanding and creativity, which counters the belief that AI is smarter than people.

Conclusions: Dispelling these myths can help pave the way for a more nuanced, responsible, and beneficial integration of AI in the realm of education. This ensures that its influence aligns with constructive pedagogical goals and contributes to societal advancement. The strengths of AI can be leveraged to empower a more inclusive, equitable, and effective education for all.

Implications for Practice: Educators are advised to be informed about the realities of AI in education to counter misconceptions and make informed decisions about its integration. Policymakers should also allocate resources for educator training in AI use, aiming for proficiency and confidence in incorporating these technologies into educational methodologies.
