Relationship Between Employee Human Capital, Relational Capital, and Work Engagement, Royelle David Comer Sr.
Psychological Distress Following Disenfranchised Grief and Social Support Loss in African American Women Living With HIV, Lisa K. Connors
School Administrators’ Perceptions of Leadership Practices Promoting Culturally Responsive Learning Environments, LaTasha M. Cook
School Administrators’ Perceptions of Leadership Practices Promoting Culturally Responsive Learning Environments, LaTasha M. Cook
Strategies to Mitigate Nurse Turnover, James Edward Cooper Jr
Strategies to Mitigate Nurse Turnover, James Edward Cooper Jr
Phenomenology of Workplace Breastfeeding Support Among Working Mothers in California, Kevin David Cooper
Leadership and Spirituality: The Relationship of Incorporating Spirituality in Ethical Workplace Decision Making, Tiffany D. Cooper
Leadership and Spirituality: The Relationship of Incorporating Spirituality in Ethical Workplace Decision Making, Tiffany D. Cooper
Nurses’ Perception of Facilitators and Barriers to the Community College Faculty Role, Hallie Roselie Coppi
Nurses’ Perception of Facilitators and Barriers to the Community College Faculty Role, Hallie Roselie Coppi
Trauma-Informed Practices for Behavioral Health Leaders Serving Sex-Trafficking Survivors and Personnel, Evelyn Cordero Molina
Teachers’ Perceptions of Training to Implement Gratitude Practices in the High School Classroom, Christina M. Coronado
Understanding Law Enforcement Counterterrorism Information Sharing in Homegrown Violent Extremism Cases, Danielle Corry
The Effect of Crime Drama Viewing Habits and Technology on Potential Jurors, Erin Marie Cosenza
Admission Timing, Age, Sex, Pain, and Disability as Outcome Predictors of Short-Term Pain Programs, Nanesha Courtney
Grade 3 Teachers’ Perceptions of Challenges and Supports in Addressing Socioemotional Needs of African American Students, Lavina Nicole Covin
Supporting Novice Nurse Transition to Practice Through Mentorship, Jesssica M. Cox
Staff Education Project: The Emergency Severity Index, Jo Crabtree
Relationship Between Food Insecurity, Depression, and Race/Ethnicity Among U.S. Adults Aged 60–69 Years, Patrick E. Crandon
Relationship Between Food Insecurity, Depression, and Race/Ethnicity Among U.S. Adults Aged 60–69 Years, Patrick E. Crandon
Experiences and Perceptions of Hospital Social Workers Regarding Discharge Planning and Readmission, kenshara cravens
Attitudes of Graduate Students Towards Integrating Religion and Spirituality in Therapy, Miranda Lynn Crawford
Phenomenological Study of Software Team Leaders’ Lived Experiences During Agile Adoption, Nathaniel Pleasant Crews