Life Events, Initial Sexual Behaviors, and Teenage Pregnancy Among African American Females, Yonzetta Brook Tillman
Combining the Sonday System and the Developmental Reading Assessment to Improve Struggling Readers' Standardized Test Scores, Daphne Tinglin-Jarrett
Environmental Leadership: Exploring Environmental Dissonance Involving Natural Resource Consumption and Ecosystem Degradation, Thomas L. Tochterman
Self-Evaluative Salience and Motivational Salience as Predictors of Depressive Affect and Appearance Based Rejection Sensitivity., Mandana Toosi
Implementing a Guided Imagery Program as Adjuvant Treatment for Out-Patient Oncology Patients, Charina Toste
Middle School Teachers' Experiences With Teaching Self-Regulation Skills to Adolescents With Disabilities, Jessica Traylor
Personality and Promotion: An Analysis of the Structured Rank of Female Officers, Kelly S. Treece
Strategies for Successful Implementation of Change Initiatives in Health Care, Kristy Trinidad
Motivation for Volunteering With Older Adults in a Rural Community, Tonia Maria Truesdell
Successful Sustainability in a Catholic Secondary School, Diane Tucker
Teaching Through the Lens of Humane Education in U.S. Schools, Kristine Cecilia Tucker
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: A Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Initiative, Remeliza Navarrete Tukay
Controlling Auditor Interactions to Improve the Quality of a Financial Statement Audit, Christopher Turner
African American Entrepreneurial Sustainability, Edward Turner
Teachers' Practice of Mathematical Reform Techniques in the Classroom, Mark Turner
The Influence of Nursing Academic Leadership on Faculty Retention, Carol Turrin Turrin
The Association between Demographic Factors and Use of California's Health Insurance, Chiquita Theresa Tuttle
Promoting Diabetes Self-Managment Eduaction and Training in Out-patient Clinics, Inemesit Godwin Udo
Donor Coordination and Health Aid Effectiveness in the Nigerian Health Sector, Ifeoma Edna Uduji
An Evaluation of Robotics in Nursing Homes to Reduce Adverse Drug Events, Ozell Ueal Jr.
Effect of Class Size on Student Achievement in Secondary School, Christopher Eric Uhrain
Use of Maternal Health Services and Pregnancy Outcomes in Nigeria, Abubakar Sadiq Umar
Exploring Organizations' Software Quality Assurance Strategies, Scott Underwood
Adventist Affiliation and Type 2 Diabetes Pre- and Post-Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP), Janie Unruh
Strategic Decisions to Increase Performance Band in Carbon Disclosure Project Reports, Aditya Upadhyay