The Effects of a Summer Math Program on Academic Achievement, Kermit Snyder
Strengthening Participatory Democracy through Participatory Budgeting, Babatunde Adesegun Sobanjo
Accrediting Processes and Institutional Effectiveness at a California Community College, Ruby Sodhi
Small Retail Business Owner Strategies Needed to Succeed Beyond 5 Years, Colonel Jaime Solis
Exploring Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Togolese-Owned Small businesses in the United States, Folly Somado Hemazro
Socioecological Determinants of Obesity Among Hispanic Parents/Child Caregivers in Aurora, Illinois, Deanna Marie Sommers
The Key Components of a Highly Effective Title I Reading Program, George Spalaris
Struggling Adolescent Writers Describe Their Experiences, Teri A. Spargur
Effect of Violent and Nonviolent Risk Factors on Depression in Postpartum Mothers, Brandi Reliance Spaulding
Impact of Professional Development in Response to Intervention on Secondary Teachers' Efficacy, Crystal Joy Spence
Success Strategies Saudi Entrepreneurs Used to Navigate Through Regulations in Jeddah, Farah Mehar Spencer
The Relationship Between School Type and Mental Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Young Adults, Steven Vincente Spencer
Examining Barriers to Retention of Adult Learners in Rural Education Programs, Tiffany Minyon Spivey
An Evidence-Based Strategy to Improve Influenza Vaccination Rates Among Registered Nurses in Hospitals, Terri Lynn Spoltore
An Exploration of Male Batterers' Perceptions of a Standardized Batterers' Treatment Program, Dionne Lynn Spooner
The Impact of Co-Teaching on the Graduation Test Scores of Students with Disabilities, Jeannette Lynn Stach
Behavioral Health Medical Interpreters: Cluster Analysis of Vicarious Traumatization and Posttraumatic Growth, Pauline N. Stahlbrodt
Closing the Innovation Gap for Business Sustainability, Wayne Philip Stamler
Symptom Presentation Frequency and Severity Associated with Adult Lyme Disease by ROSS Scale Review, Vicki A. Stanavitch
Sustainability Strategies for Value-Added Agricultural Producers in California's San Joaquin Valley, Sharon L. Starcher
Exploring the Influence of Context on Resistance to Organizational Change within a Virtual Faculty Workforce, David Starnes Starnes
Type of First Term Course Failure and Community College Degree Completion, Jill Stearns
Exploring Mentoring and Career Advancement: A Community College Case Study, LaTonya Steele
Hearing Parents of Children With Hearing Loss: Perceptions of the IEP Process, Robin Fern Stegman