Methamphetamine Users and Gender Differences in their Acceptance of Long-Term Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Kevin Garen Stepanyan
Return to Full Duty Work: Determining the Ideal Time to Refer Occupationally Isolated Acute Low Back Pain Patients to Physical Therapy, Aletha Mae Stephenson
Preparing Early Learners for Kindergarten Success, Deidre Stewart
Factors Affecting Involvement of Urban School District Parents in their Child's Education, Megan Stewart
Teachers' Perceptions of Differentiated Instruction in Elementary Reading, Olwen Suzette Stewart
Intercultural and Career Experiences of African American Women Midlevel Leaders at Predominately White Institutions, Rabekah Stewart
Technology Integration: A Community of Practice to Support Learning, Claudette W. Stone
The Exposure of Workplace Conflict on Residential Mental Health Clients, Shawna DeAnn Stoneking
Patient Safety: Improving Medication Reconciliation Accuracy for Long-Term Care Residents, Annisa Leachman Stover
School Community Members' Perceptions Regarding LGBT-based Bullying, Harassment, and Violence, Steven W. Street
A Qualitative Case Study of Strategies for Choosing and Evaluating Alternative Assessments in Online Higher Education, Robert James Streff
Experiences Managing Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus among Parents of African-American Youth, Sonya T. Strider
Student Perceptions of Flipped Learning in a High School Math Classroom, Daniel Strohmyer
Predictive Factors of Organizational Support Communication in Volunteer Mentor Retention, Jennifer Kristin Stukey
Examining Cognitive Presence and Assessment for Learning in an Asynchronous History Discussion, Gregory Sucre
Effects of Academic and Nonacademic Factors on Undergraduate Electronic Engineering Program Retention, Munir Sulaiman
Complexity of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis in African American Men in the United States, Adam B. Sumlin
Probationers' Quality of Life Based on Their Perception of Sibling Relationship, Katherine Sump
Transitional Planning and Homelessness of Youths Emancipated From Foster Care, Sharon Patricia Sutherland
The Relationships Among Job Satisfaction, Length of Employment, and Mentoring of Nursing Faculty, Zelda Suzan
Strategies for Implementing a Successful Enterprise Resource Planning System, Wanda A. Swanier
The Effects of Downsizing on Organizational Culture in the Newspaper Industry, Marcella Sweeney
Improving Pain Management for Hospitalized Patients, Ronda Sweet
Evaluation of the Intervention Efficacy of Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence, Jennifer Lee Switzer
Grandparent Support and Juvenile Delinquent Youth, Anita Marie Taboh