Measuring Knowledge of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Among Community College Students, Jacquelyn Caldwell Moore
Reducing Readmissions for Patients Hospitalized with Congestive Heart Failure, Morgan B. Morgan
Rural Community Mental Health Agency’s Strategies to Involve Parents in Children’s Psychosocial Treatment, Kerry Ellen Morrell
Key Strategies for Successful Information Technology Projects, David Morris
Competency Characteristics of the Innovative Talent Leader, Nathalie Antoinette Mosca
Improving Care of Patients With Asthma Through Staff Education, Nicholas Moscatelli
Association of Landfall Atlantic Tropical Storms and Human Cases of Locally Acquired West Nile Virus Infection in Florida, Jackson G. Mosley
Cross-Cultural Communication Strategies That Engage Employees and Increase Productivity., alvin sidney moton
Factors Affecting Seatbelt Use Among the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, Deidre G. Mott
Health Systems Predictors and Trends of Access to Vaccinations in 9 sub-Saharan African Countries, Mirfin Mpundu
The Relationship Between Program Leadership, Resident Physicians’ Wellbeing, and Quality of Care, Fatima Msheik
Strategies for Implementing the International Organization for Standardization 15189 for Medical Laboratories, Wilson Mtotela
Strategies Used by Retail Business Managers to Address Disruptive Changes in Technology, Fredrick Simon Muema
Obesity, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, and Coronary Heart Disease, Maryam Khalilah Muhammad
Demand for and Impact of Performance Audits on Public Administration in Kazakhstan, Almagul Mukhamediyeva
Information Technology Strategies Automotive Retailers Use to Improve Customer Retention, Alexious Mulemba
The Influence of Attachment on Learning Dispositions of Nontraditional Community College Students, Kristen E. Muleya
Planned Behavior and Congolese Physicians’ Practice: Predicting Advanced Preventive Health Services Provision, Jean-Clément Milabu Mumbusi
Strategies Road Freight Transport Leaders Use to Increase Driver Retention, Johnny Mumphrey Jr.
Transformational Leadership and Fiscal Sustainability in African American Churches, JAMES MUNFORD
Exploring Strategies for Adapting Traditional Vehicle Design Frameworks to Autonomous Vehicle Design, Alex Munoz
Prior Military Combat Experience and Domestic Policing Use-of-Force Decisions, Ernesto Munoz
Health Literacy and Discharge Planning in Social Work Practice, Michele Munzner
Why Do Mentors Stay? Exploring Mentor Experiences, Perceptions and Motivations within Mentorship Programs, Ann Murphy
Challenges of Human Resource Professionals Onboarding Generation Z Into the Federal Government, Flora Lawson Murphy