A Secure and Strategic Approach to Keep IoT Devices Safe from Malware Attack, Christopher Ray Murray
The Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Profitability of Small, Nonprofit, Private, Higher Education Institutions in Georgia, Walter V. Murray
Patient Risks and Clinical Care Disruptions in Rural Hospital Mergers, Gabriel Muzanenhamo
Effects of Short-term Intensive Insulin Therapy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Management, Ernest Mwathi
Exploring Staff Nurse Interactions in Their Role as Student Nurse Educators, Jennifer Nafarrete
The Role of Corporate Healthcare Instructors' Credentials and Experiences in Corporate Training, George Edmond Napier
The Role of Internet of Things in Hotels’ Profitability, Gershwin Narraidoo
Evidence-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening Staff Education, Chantal Navalah
Islamophobia in the United States: Experiences of Senegalese Immigrant Muslims in Indianapolis Post-9/11, Malick Ndiaye
Administrators' Perceptions of Arts Integration and Literacy Support for Elementary English Language Learners, Renee Marie Nebolon
Cannabis as a Safer Alternative to Opioid Management of Chronic Pain, Loren Nedelman
Risk Perception of Terrorism and Individual Preparedness in Thailand, Pinida Neenlapathna
Strategies to Reduce Workplace Bullying in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Gina Julceus Nelson
Juvenile Recidivism After Release from a Juvenile Detention Center in Atlanta, Georgia, Jacquelyn Monique Nelson
Middle School General Education Teachers' Instruction of English Language Learners, Lakisha Mitchelle Nelson
Examining Barriers Impacting Women’s Promotion into C-Suite Positions in Higher Education, Lynette Johnson Nelson
Religious Tolerance and Government Collaboration with Faith-based Organizations, Sheree Rose Nelson
Perceptions of Probation Officers placing Juvenile Sex Offenders in Rural South Carolina, Anthony Rochell Nelson Sr
Understanding School Climate, Chronic Absenteeism, and Effective Practices for Improving Absenteeism at a Private High School, Tiffany Nerveza-Clark
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Blogging Groups, and Interpretation in the Literature Classroom, Michael Nester
Association of Working Therapeutic Alliance and Psychopathy in Civilly-Confined Sex Offenders, Kearie Ann Newman
The Perceived Effectiveness of Community Programs in Reducing and Deterring Juvenile Delinquency, Susan Michelle Newton
Qualitative Inquiry of Resilience in Veterans Transitioning to Civilian Life, Brenda D. Nicholson
The Relationship of LMX and FE to OWB as Moderated by Job Complexity, Lisa Ann Nickell
Teacher Perceptions of Leadership Styles and the Relationship to Job Satisfaction in Adult Basic Education Settings, Troy James Nickel