Obesity, Physical Activity, and the Place of Residence Among Latinos, Chanda McNeal
Classroom Accommodations for Student-Veterans Attending Community Colleges, Terry Dionne Mc Quay
College Student and Faculty Perceptions of Need for Remedial/Writing Support, Stacey McRae
Mortality Disparities Among Puerto Rican Infants in 2015, Maria Del Carmen Medina
Organizational Climate and Employee Engagement, Romie Mejalli
The Association Between Provider Cultural Competence and Type 2 Diabetes Health Behaviors, Bernadette Joyce Mejia-Tran
Microcystins and Liver Disease Mortality, Insights from an Ecological Study, Rajesh Tirpaul Melaram
Prevention Practices and West Nile Virus Infection Among Ethnic Minorities, Texas, Bayabel Debebe Mengistu
Access to Health Insurance and Health-Seeking Behavior in a Nigerian Suburban Community, Charles Olalekan Mensah
The Promotion of Safety and Quality in Fall Prevention, Sheila J. Mercado
Middle and High School Teacher Perceptions of Training to Manage Disruptive Students, Kelly Elizabeth Mero
Lived Experiences of African American Nursing Students in an Associate Degree Nursing Program, Monique Renee Merritt
Small Business Social Media Marketing Strategies in the Retail Industry, Mari E. Mew
Rehabilitation Counseling Students' Perceived LGB Competence: Implications for Curricula Development, Sean Meyer
Healthcare Providers Perception of their Ability to Recognize Boys as Victims of Human Sex Trafficking in a Pediatric Emergency Room, Deborah Susan Mican
The Coping Behaviors of Adult Children After Treatment for Parental Alienation, Anissa J. Michaud
Nongovernmental Organizations as Peoples Representatives in Policy Design: The Case of the Nairobi County Government, David Maina Micro
Lived Experiences of African Americans 65 and Older After Rural Hospital Closures, Derrick Mike
The Association between Success Center Utilization and a Technical College’s Student Retention, Tamara Shelton Miles
Elementary-Level Instructional Coaches’ Perspectives on Roles and Teacher Effectiveness, Amanda Miliner
Adult Attachment Functioning of Former Foster Youth Initially Placed in Early Adolescence, Adrienne Miller
Decreasing HIV Stigmatization for Care of Young Men of Color Who Have Sex with Men, Alethea Arnett Miller
Relationship Between Transformational Leadership, Employee Satisfaction and Job Performance of Virtual Workers, Alice Miller
Preschool Educators’ Perspectives on the Racial Disproportionality in Exclusionary School Discipline, Delesline Miller
Principal Transformational Leadership and School Climate in Title 1 Schools, Heidi H. Miller