First-Generation African American Male Students’ Perceptions of Low Retention Rates, Clinton Harris
The Experiences of Decision Making in Gangs, Julian Geoffrey Harris
Effective Management Strategies to Increase Employee Engagement, LASHERDO HARRIS
How African American Clergy Perceive the Cultural Relevance and Usefulness of the Mental Health Guide for Faith Leaders, Lisa Marie Harris
The Lived Experience of New Graduates Transitioning Through the NCLEX, Kristie Lynn Harrison
Lived Experience of Burnout and Self-Efficacy in Intensive Care Unit Registered Nurses Caring for Covid-19 Patients in U.S. Hospitals, Trixie Alohilani Harris
Supporting Elementary Teachers with Technology Integration Within the Mathematics Curriculum, Trace Lynn Hart
Strategies to Reduce Turnover and Increase Retention Among Therapists and Case Managers in Community Mental Health, Genice Mae Harvey
Improving Care for Dementia Patients: Music Therapy as an Alternative to Medication, Kristy Haschke
Employee Retention in Child Welfare, Stormie Hayes
Executive Summary: Staff Education Project, Jacquelynn Hays
Cultural Competence to Meet Students' Transcultural Learning Goals, TaiJohnea Haywood
Sustainability Strategies for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Located in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, Henry James Hazel
Quality Improvement: Naloxone Prescribing Practices for Paitent with an Opioid Patient Prescriber Agreement, Moniqueca Helms
Quality Improvement: Naloxone Prescribing Practices for Paitent with an Opioid Patient Prescriber Agreement, Moniqueca Helms
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Depression and Anxiety Among Idaho Adults, Melissa Marie Henbest
Intrinsic Motivation and Career Satisfaction Among Immigrant Health Care Workers, Michelle Marie Henderson-Darling
Organizational Leaders' Strategies to Detect and Prevent Occupational Fraud, Pamela Denise Henderson
The Relationship Between Operating Efficiency, Credit Score, and Small Business Sustainability, GARFIELD HENRY
Aging and Depression: Identifying Strategies to Prevent Suicide and Restore Integrity, Nekka A. Herbert
Executive Summary: Quality Improvement Initiative Implementing Fixed Water Dispensers in an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital, Elycia Victoria Hernandez
The Relationship between Ultrarunning Status, Subjective Well-being, and Life Satisfaction, Raquel Ramirez Hernandez
The Legal Mexican Immigrant’s Path to United States Citizenship, Esther G. Herrera Martinez