Teachers' Perceptions of Strategies to Discipline Students with Disabilities, Kedrah Knowlin- Anderson
Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness: An Exploratory Case Study of Three Cameroonian School Principals, Prudence Avwontom Kono
Workplace Experiences of Blind College-Educated Women, Lynne Koral
The Underreporting of Educator Sexual Misconduct in K-12 Schools, Nina Cordella Kornegay
The Underreporting of Educator Sexual Misconduct in K-12 Schools, Nina Cordella Kornegay
Staff Education on Workplace Violence and Prevention Measures, Fatu Koroma
Staff Education on Workplace Violence and Prevention Measures, Fatu Koroma
Adult Learners’ Perceptions of Barriers that Delay their Degree Completion at K University, Vincent de Paul Kouassi
Trauma-Informed Behavioral Health Leadership and Employee Engagement at a Child Advocacy Center, Andrew Krantz
Natural Disaster Preparation by Licensed Clinical Social Workers Providing Mental Health Interventions to Vulnerable Populations, ANTOINETTE M. KRUSE
Survival Rates and Clinical Trial Participation Among Rural Cancer Patients, Tatiana Kurilo
Survival Rates and Clinical Trial Participation Among Rural Cancer Patients, Tatiana Kurilo
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Metabolic Syndrome: The Role of Gender Differences and Menopausal Status of Women, Kimberly Kushner
Examining Faculty Transformational Leadership Style and University Sophomores’ Institutional Commitment, Olusegun Oladayo Kuteyi
Stigma in Intimate Partner Relationships Among Ebola Survivors in Monrovia, Adam Monah Kyne
Gang Diversion Programs in The Success of Reducing Youth Gang Membership, Francis Songtiib Laari
Gang Diversion Programs in The Success of Reducing Youth Gang Membership, Francis Songtiib Laari
Model for Measuring U.S. Army Warfighter’s Critical Thinking Skills: A Meta-Analysis, Danita Kornegay Ladson
High School Science Students’ Cognitive Load Using Virtual Reality Compared to Traditional Instruction, Maria Carmen R. Lagalante
Exploring the Perspectives of Infant/Toddler-PK4 Teachers on Attaining an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education, Isabel Lainez Furutan
Strategies for Emotional Intelligence Training for Improving Employee Performance, Dale Elizabeth Laing-Hall
Strategies for Emotional Intelligence Training for Improving Employee Performance, Dale Elizabeth Laing-Hall
The Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Call Center Workers’ Organizational Commitment, Andrea L. Lamar