Faculty’s Perceptions of Their Role in Black Students’ Degree Attainment, Veronica Killebrew
The Association Between Working Habits and Hypertension Among First Generation African Immigrants, Olalekan Kilo
The Association Between Working Habits and Hypertension Among First Generation African Immigrants, Olalekan Kilo
The Lived Experiences of Minority Widowers with Dependent Children, Cathy-Ann L. King
The Lived Experiences of Minority Widowers with Dependent Children, Cathy-Ann L. King
Attitudes and Perceptions of Women in Skilled Labor Regarding the Lack of Women in the Construction and Building Industry, Danielle Faye King
Relationship Between Parental Attachment and Cyberbullying Within the Homeschooling Community, Jason King
Relationship Between Parental Attachment and Cyberbullying Within the Homeschooling Community, Jason King
Teachers’ Experiences of Integrating the Classics with History in a Classical School, Laura King
Challenges in Improving Private Early Childhood Program Quality in Trinidad and Tobago from the Perspectives of Program Administrators, Elizabeth Josephine King Oliver
Challenges in Improving Private Early Childhood Program Quality in Trinidad and Tobago from the Perspectives of Program Administrators, Elizabeth Josephine King Oliver
Predicting Project Success by Project Manager Competencies and Personality Traits Moderated by Work Experience, Jasmine H. Kirby
Predicting Project Success by Project Manager Competencies and Personality Traits Moderated by Work Experience, Jasmine H. Kirby
Cross-Sectional Collaboration in Florida's Emergency Management System, Christopher Stephen Kirkland
Cross-Sectional Collaboration in Florida's Emergency Management System, Christopher Stephen Kirkland
Mediating Role of Joyful Disposition in the Relationship Between Caregivers of Children With Autism and Experiential Avoidance and Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts, Janis Boyer Kirkland
Succession Planning Strategies in Polish Family-Owned Businesses, Jan Marcin Klaczak
Succession Planning Strategies in Polish Family-Owned Businesses, Jan Marcin Klaczak
Correlation Between Nonprofit Organizational Income and Commercial Activities, Jamie Klingman
Title IX Coordinators’ Perspectives on Title IX Investigations and Due Process, Arcetta S. Knautz
Title IX Coordinators’ Perspectives on Title IX Investigations and Due Process, Arcetta S. Knautz
Executive Transition in Nonprofit Organizations, Gail Quincene Knight
Relationship Experiences of Long-Term Partners of Individuals with Narcissistic Traits, Tamara Betty-Jean Knott
Relationship Experiences of Long-Term Partners of Individuals with Narcissistic Traits, Tamara Betty-Jean Knott