Evaluating the Efficacy of Video Self-Modeling Social Skills in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Brittany Londer
Evaluating the Efficacy of Video Self-Modeling Social Skills in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder, Brittany Londer
Puerto Rican Retired Teachers’ Perceptions About Their Financial Sufficiency, Rossana López León
Puerto Rican Retired Teachers’ Perceptions About Their Financial Sufficiency, Rossana López León
How Supply Standardization Affects Non-Emergent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Costs and Length of Stay, Marc Lopez
How Supply Standardization Affects Non-Emergent Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Costs and Length of Stay, Marc Lopez
The Relationship between Disruptive Physician Behavior, Nurse Job Satisfaction, and Nurse Intent to Leave., Lisa Marie Losito
Future-Oriented Strategies That Small 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organizations May Use to Support Financial Sustainability, Justine Lownsbury
Future-Oriented Strategies That Small 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organizations May Use to Support Financial Sustainability, Justine Lownsbury
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Beauty Salon Employer Strategies Used to Improve Employee Retention, Angela Lynette Loyd
Risk Factors Associated with the Development of Type II Diabetes-Related Complications, Jessica Danielle Lucas Williams
The Relationship Between Adolescent Stress in Five Domains and Depression: Rumination as a Moderator, Crystal Victoria Lupo
The Relationship Between Adolescent Stress in Five Domains and Depression: Rumination as a Moderator, Crystal Victoria Lupo
A Qualitative Study of Urban Male Perception and Definition of Respect for Law Enforcement Officers, Kyla Duckworth Lurry
Examination of Exposure Types Association with Stigma and Impacts on Sharps Injury Reporting in Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Timothy William Lynch
Examination of Exposure Types Association with Stigma and Impacts on Sharps Injury Reporting in Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Timothy William Lynch
The Motivations and Work-Life Balance of Paid Home-Based Caregivers of Clients Experiencing Dementia, Cheraire Lyons
Fathers’ Perspectives and Challenges Regarding Their Child’s School Readiness, Ula Pretlow Lyons
Association of Income, Education, Employment and COVID-19 Mortality in Brazil, Marcelina Machado
Association of Income, Education, Employment and COVID-19 Mortality in Brazil, Marcelina Machado
Educating Acute Care and Emergency Nurses on Infant Safe Sleep Practices, Kimberly Catherine MacKeil-White
Correctional Officers' Lived Experience of Burnout, Tereassa Mack
An Exploration of Coping Strategies in People with a History of Substance Abuse, Wyteria Mack
Addiction Counselors’ Perceptions of the Incarceration of Prenatal Substance Users, Leslie Lee Maddox
The Lived Experiences of Elders’ Age-Related Changes in Emotional and Social Factors, Sheneze Thiffiny Valencia Madramootoo