Factors Contributing to High Rates of Pre-Eclampsia Among African American Women, Tinisia Jordan Boyd
Current Practices for Forensic Assessments of Offenders, Garet Bradford
Structural Empowerment of Nurse Leaders in New York State During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Tracey Braithwaite
The Lived Experiences of Black Women Pursuing Managerial Positions in Corporate America, Edo Linette Branch
The Lived Experiences of Black Women Pursuing Managerial Positions in Corporate America, Edo Linette Branch
Doctoral Students’ Motivations to Complete a Degree in Education Online, Terence Branch
Doctoral Students’ Motivations to Complete a Degree in Education Online, Terence Branch
Qualitative Assessment of Psychological Safety and Ethics in Corrections Officers, Gary Robert Breig
Staff Education Project to Decrease Variations in Surgical Optimizations, Shelly Bressoud
Improving Student Nurse Clinical Reasoning, Critical Thinking, and Clinical Judgment Through Simulation Debriefing, Deborah Brester
Male Nursing Students in the Community College and the Struggle to Completion, Geri Ann Brewer
Male Nursing Students in the Community College and the Struggle to Completion, Geri Ann Brewer
Strategies for Reducing Employee Turnover in the Construction Industry, Daniel Lee Brewster
Sharing Strategies Between Higher Education Administrators and Their Information Technology Leaders, LaRita Brewster
Sharing Strategies Between Higher Education Administrators and Their Information Technology Leaders, LaRita Brewster
Employee Development and Workforce Engagement in a Behavioral Health Organization, Lakisha R, Brimage
Employee Development and Workforce Engagement in a Behavioral Health Organization, Lakisha R, Brimage
A Clinical Practice Guideline for Managing Behavioral Problems in Persons with Dementia, Ken J. Brinker
Association between COVID-19 Health Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Preventive Behaviors among Nursing Students, Josephine Miane Britanico
Association between COVID-19 Health Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Preventive Behaviors among Nursing Students, Josephine Miane Britanico
Managing Student Bullying of Professors in Higher Educational Institutions, Willetra Brittian
Managing Student Bullying of Professors in Higher Educational Institutions, Willetra Brittian
Attorney Perspectives Regarding Use of Federal Confidential Informants in White-Collar Crimes, RICHARD DWAYNE BRITT
Attorney Perspectives Regarding Use of Federal Confidential Informants in White-Collar Crimes, RICHARD DWAYNE BRITT
Lived Experiences of College Students with Social Anxiety Disorder Accessing Support Services, Patrice Nicole Broaden