Health, Wellness, and Ecological Impacts of Horse Therapy for Special Needs Children, Jennifer Suzanne Sulkowski
Motivations of Antitrafficking Volunteers, Jonathan Edward Sullivan
The Lived Experiences of Low Income Parents of Children with Autism, Renee L. Sullivan
Coping With the Threat of Ebola in Monrovia: A Case Study, Augustine M. Sumo
Collaborative Governance and Anticorruption in Postwar Monrovia, Tewroh-Wehtoe Sungbeh
Factors Influencing Doctors Ordering of Clinical Lab Tests: A Qualitative Study, Lakshmanan Suresh
Organizational Strategies in the Mortgage Industry, Rachelle Sutton
Active Shooter Event Severity, Media Reporting, Offender Age and Location, Philip Joshua Swift
A Meta-Analysis of the Inclusion of Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Assessment and Treatment in Traumatic Brain Injury Management, Michael Switzer
Roles of Community Pharmacists in Improving Oral Health Awareness in Plateau State, Northern Nigeria, Olaniyi O. Taiwo
First-Time Fathers' Perspectives on Pregnancy, Birth, and Fatherhood, Lynette Marie Talley
Servant Leadership: What Makes It an Effective Leadership Model., Janice Poland Tanno
Small to Medium Enterprise Succession Planning: Millennial Employee Development, Mark Tarmann Jr.
An Exploratory Study on the Improvement of the Army Rapid Acquisition Process, Jason F. Tate
Human Resource Strategies for Improving Organizational Performance to Reduce Medical Errors, Dr. Mary Ellen Taylor-Hyde
The Effects of Leveled Literacy Intervention for Students in the RtI Process, Lisa Taylor
Infant Mortality Among African American Women Compared to European American Women in New York City, Marian Taylor
The Relationship Between Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Stakeholder Pressure, and Financial Performance, Zulfiya Tchaikovsky
The Effectiveness of Funding Sources on Agricultural Projects in Yobe State, Nigeria, Umaru Galadima Tela
Predictors of Obesity, Acculturation, and Perceived Stress in Meskhetian Turk (Ahiska) Immigrants in the United States, Zekeriya Temircan
An Eritrean Perspective of Africa's Potential for Indigenous, Independent Food Sustainability, Tewelde W. Tesfagabir
Elementary Literacy Coaching in a Florida School District, Crystal Jacqueline Tessmann
Staff Member Perceptions of Bullying in an Afterschool Center, Sherrich Monsher Thegg
Strategies for Improving the Effectiveness of Customer Relationship Management Systems, Sathish Thejaswarup
Recidivism: An Analysis of Race, Locus of Control, and Resilience, Danisha Latrell Thomas