Minimizing Nepotistic Practices in Family Owned and Operated Businesses: The Private Sector, Darlene Thomas Thomas
Stress and Social Support Among Adult, Diabetic, African American Women, Joanne Thomas
An Analysis of Teachers' Perceptions of Bullying at the Elementary School Level, Tiffany Wilson Thomas
Leading a Multigenerational Workforce in the Public Sector, Cynthia A. Thompson
Assessing Effective Interventions in Pregnant and Postpartum American Indian and Alaska Native Women, Hope Thompson
Information Communication Technology Management as a GDP Growth Contributor Within Arab League Nations, Jamal Alexander Thompson
Direct Care Provider Perceptions of Factors Influencing Treatment Motivation of Dual-Diagnosed Female Offenders, Cara Renee Tilbury
Exploring the strategies to implement a sustainable energy program in Hong Kong Public Hospitals, Terry Ting
Realigning Community Policing in a Homeland Security Era, Alfred Stanford Titus, Jr.
Perceptions of International Teacher Turnover in East Asia Regional Council of Schools, Leon Michael Tkachyk
How Rural Educators Implement Common Core State Standards, Karen Jaclyn Toavs
Strategies for Crisis Preparedness of Tourist Destinations, Carrine V. M. Todman-Lewis
Succession Planning for Next Generation Business Leaders, Yetta Toliver
Supporting Secondary Teachers of Low Socioeconomic Status Students in Language Arts, Stephanie Lynn Tootle
Parental Perception of Mobile Device Usage in Children and Social Competency, Christin Topper
Exploring the Experiences of Adults After Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP), Deby Kay Torbett
Perceived Barriers to Lifestyle Change in Obese, Low-Income Hispanic Women, Mariana Daniela Torchia
Nurses' Response to a Heart Failure Video to Teach Patients Self-Management, Lynn Nichols Toth
Improving Undergraduate Student Retention at a Midwestern University, Christine Tracy
Development of a Quality Improvement Initiative to Screen for Postpartum Depression, Renee Traube
Evaluation of Math Block-Scheduling for Low Performing At-Risk and Economically- Disadvantaged Students, Toni Trice
Influence of Personal Experience on Workplace Bullying Behavior, Sandra Trott
Motivations Influencing Home Support Engagements in Jamaican High Schools, Kasan Tameka Troupe
Motivating Allied Health Students to Successfully Complete Core Courses, Lisa Renee Trusclair
Impact of Change Management on Employee Behavior in a University Administrative Office, Kendra M. Turner