Instructional Reading Practices for Third Grade African American Males, Kimberly Dawn Whaley
Army Reservists Spouses' Perceptions of Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Phenomenological Study, Wendy Whinnery
Strategies for Employee Retention in Nonprofit Organizations, Gentri Mabelann White
Factors Influencing Racially Ethnic Minority Youth Participation in Snow Sports, Jennifer N. Whitehead
Multigenerational Cohorts, Gender, Experience, Technology and Voluntariness Effects on Efficiency and Productivity, Jason L. White
Multigenerational Cohorts, Gender, Experience, Technology and Voluntariness Effects on Efficiency and Productivity, Jason Larry White
Relationship Between SBA Loans, Personal Capital Finances, Government Regulations, and Business Profitability, Jennifer E. White
Impact of Charter School Legislation on Public K-12 Education in Pennsylvania, Stuart Whiteleather
Women, Domestic Violence Service Providers, and Knowledge of Technology-Related Abuse, Nadine White
School Counselors' Professional Development Needs for Preparing Diverse Learners for College, Natalie White
Mothers' Parenting Discipline Style and Their Early Puberty Daughters' Engagement in High-Risk Behaviors, Yvette C. White
Reducing Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections, Alexis Genarrian Whitfield
Influence of Implicit-Bias Training on the Cultural Competency of Police Officers, Marvin Whitfield
The Effect of Substance Abuse Rehabilitative Programming on Recidivism, Cindy Whitten
Perceptions of Factors that Contribute to Employee Retention of IT Project Managers, Julie Ann Wiebell
A Clinical Practice Guideline to Improve Education in the Heart Failure Population, Mailey L. Wilks
Nutritional Education Program Using the DASH Diet for African Americans, Angela B. Williams
Impact of Work-Related Electronic Communications Behavior Outside of Normal Working Hours, Beulah Lavell Williams
Teachers’ Perceptions and Strategies Implementing the Alabama Reading Initiative to Teach Literacy, LaTanya Williams-Collins
Secondary Teachers' Perceptions of Professional Development's Role for Instruction in Inclusive Settings, dwight Erving williams
Career Ascension of African-American Men in the Army Warrant Officer Corps, James Joseph Williams
Education Policy Adoption in a Child Welfare Agency: Frontline Perspectives on Leadership, Jennifer Lea Williams
A Comparison of Sexual-Minority Stress in Lesbian and Gay Police Officers, Laura Ellen Williams
Exploring Education Needs for Heart Failure Patients' Transition of Care to Home, Michelle D. Williams
Adaptation of Heart Failure Education Materials for the Middle Eastern Population, Nadine A. Williams