Level of Technology Implementation and the Personality Traits of Adventist School Principals, Gustavo Martin
The Use of Compassionate Release Policies for Elderly Offenders, Lindsey Martin
Social Support, Health Status, and Personality Factors in Coping Styles of Gay Men, Mary Martin
Symptoms of Depression and Stressors in Law Enforcement, Parisa Tiana Mash
Advanced-Beginner Registered Nurses' Perceptions on Growth From Entry Level, Brenda Mason
Teacher Biases as an Influence on Early Childhood Assessments, Crystal Mason
Best Teaching Practices for Engaging Adult Students' Foreign Language Learning, Aksana P. Mather
Analyzing Small Businesses' Adoption of Big Data Security Analytics, Henry Mathias
The Experiences of Elementary School Counselors in Bullying Intervention and Prevention, Shannon Matthews
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Sector Interventions in Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria, Michael Kalu Mba
The Relationship between Recidivism and Inpatient Treatment for Co-occurring Disorders among African American Male Ex-offenders, Henshaw D. Mbosowo
Pregnant African American Women Breastfeeding Intentions, Beliefs, Attitudes and Perspectives, Janelle S. McClain, PhD
Impact of English Language Teachers' Technology-Based Pedagogical Choices on Japanese University Students, Robert John McClung
Strategies for Increasing Self-Efficacy in Long-Term Welfare Recipients, Crystal McClure
Millennial Retail Employees Experiences and Perceptions of Leaders with Body Image Modifications, Jennifer McClure
Impact of a Geography-Literature Collaborative on Secondary School Pedagogy, John Matthew McCormick
Evaluation of the Focused Reading Intervention Program for Middle School Struggling Readers, Joyce Diane McCoy Booth
Probabilistic Algorithms, Lean Methodology Techniques, and Cell Optimization Results, Michael McCurrey
Leadership Strategies that Promote Employee Engagement, Tiffany N. McCutcheon
Metropolitan Young Adult American Muslims Perceptions of Discrimination Post American Patriot Act, Ronald McDaniel
Examination of Teachers' Perceived Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and its Relationship to Lesson Design, Jocelyn McDonald
An Educational Program for Primary Nursing, Marsha-Gail McDonald
Antibullying Definition, Policy, Surveillance, Education, and Training in the Healthcare Field, Adlene Jones McElroy
Local Government Programs for the Learning of English Among Adult Spanish-speaking Immigrants, Charlotte E. McGee
Experiences of African American Mothers Raising Gifted Children, Keisha KaVon McGill