Potential Solar Consumers' Understanding of Energy Policy Development in Hawaiâi, Kristin Li McGill
Strategies for Using Information and Communication Technologies to Improve Profitability, Rodney McIver
Examining K-6 Teachers' Stages of Concerns Related to Implementation of i-Ready, Cristy McKinley
Examining K-6 Teachers' Stages of Concerns Related to Implementation of i-Ready, Cristy McKinley
Examining K-6 Teachers' Stages of Concerns Related to Implementation of i-Ready, Cristy McKinley
Development of Nursing Education for an Observation Unit, Donna McKinney
Utilization of Preventative Care Services by African Americans Post-Affordable Care Act, Madalyn McKnight
U.S. Policymakers' Perspectives Regarding the Causes of Terrorism and the Impact on U.S. Counterterrorism Policy, Jeffrey David McManus
U.S. Policymakers' Perspectives Regarding the Causes of Terrorism and the Impact on U.S. Counterterrorism Policy, Jeffrey David McManus
Using Transformational Leadership to Reduce Employee Turnover in Hospital Organizations, Sylvia McManus
The Role of Advanced Practice Nurses in Advanced Care Planning for Cancer Patients, Sincere McMillan
Patients' Perceptions of Quality of Life and Resource Availability After Critical Illness, Michelle McMoon
Psychological Characteristics of Sex Offenders, Patrick McMunn
Fostering Self-Care and Nurse Resilience, Cheryl Jean McNamara
Health and Nitrate-Contaminated Drinking Water in the Lower Yakima River Valley, Michael David McNickle
Technology and Organizational Decision-Making: A Qualitative Case Study Approach, Brad Marcus McRae
Military Sexual Trauma Survivors' Experiences and Perceptions of Cognitive Processing Therapy, Sally A. Mead
Accounts Receivable Management Strategies to Ensure Timely Payments in Rural Clinics, Anthony N. Medel
Accounts Receivable Management Strategies to Ensure Timely Payments in Rural Clinics, Anthony N. Medel
Examining Relationships between Sexual Education and Behaviors Among Virginia College Students, Dyani Meggett-Sowell
Acculturation and Diabetes among New York's Bangladeshi Immigrants, Renee Mehrra
Decreasing Hospital Admission Rates in Long-Term Care, Melanie R. Meissner
Transformational Leadership Practices and Student Achievement in Diverse Urban Elementary Schools, Matilda Maria Mendez-Keegan
Stakeholder Perspectives on Teacher Attrition in Private Early Childhood Schools in India, Swathi Sandesh Menon
High School Science Teachers' Perspectives on Their Technology Knowledge, Content, and Pedagogy, Mentor Mentor Jr.