Submissions from 2015
Use Mobile Communication Technologies to Increase Students’ Feelings of Connectedness and Instructor Support, Shelley N. Armstrong Dr.
Depression in Student-Athletes: a Particularly At-Risk Group? A Systematic Review of the Literature, Shelley N. Armstrong Dr., Michelle M. Burcin, Wendy Bjerke Ph.D., and Jody O. Early
Use Digital Communication Tools to Enhance Online Communities of Inquiry, Shelley N. Armstrong Dr., Michelle M. Burcin, and Jody O. Early
Collaboration to Demystify Racism, Beate Baltes
Ecological Contexts and Youth Civic and Political Engagement in Paris, France, Hee Jin Bang and LaRue Allen
The Closed File: Practicing Ethical Communication to Ensure Transparency, Shaniece Bickham
Test Item Writing: 3Cs for Successful Tests, Tim Bristol
Education, Credentialing, and Professional Development, Matt Buckley and S. Henning
Factors Associated with a Lack of Pap Smear Utilization in Women Exposed in Utero to Diethylstilbestrol, Elizabeth A. Camp, Angela W. Prehn, Ji Shen, Arthur Herbst, William C. Strohsnitter, Christopher Hobday, Stanley J. Robboy, and Ervin Adam
Una Perspectiva Humanista para la Educación del Futuro: Revelaciones Internacionales, Tom Cavanagh, M.C. Nieto Angel, L.H. Fickel, and S. Macfarlaine
Using Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) and Data-Informed Decision Making to Ensure Teacher Readiness, Martha Cheney, Janet Elerene Williams, and Jennifer Knutson
Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment, Richard J. Cicchetti and Gary M. Szirony
African Renaissance and Globalization: A Conceptual Analysis and a Way Forward, Jose Cossa
Exploring Racial Disparity in St. Louis City Fetal-Infant Death, Hadi Danawi and Marie Peoples
Curriculum Alignment with a Mission of Social Change in Higher Education, Steven L. Danver, Iris M. Yob, Sheryl Kristensen, and Wiilam Schulz
An Argument for the Ed.D. Project Study as an Alternative to the Dissertation, Christina Dawson, Cheryl H. Keen, and C. Phillips
A Phenomenological Study of Nurse Manager Interventions Related to Workplace Bullying, Christina Dawson, Anita J. Skarbek, and Sandra Johnson
Support for Creativity and Innovation, Resistance to Change, Organizational Commitment and Motivation, Ify Diala and Samuel Ogbonnaya Ude
Student Development and Remediation Processes for Counselors in Training in a Virtual Environment, Abby E. Dougherty, Laura R. Haddock, and J. K. Coker
The 1907 Anti-Punjabi Hostilities in Washington State: Prelude to the Ghadar Movement, Paul Englesberg
The 1907 Bellingham Riot and Anti-Asian Hostilities in the Pacific Northwest, Paul Englesberg
Technology to Develop and Implement a Near-Miss Policy and Procedure, Cheryl Erickson, Carol Greulich, Lorie Lucas, and Tim Bristol
Pregnancy Apps: A Closer Look at the Implications for Childbirth Educators, Christine Frazer, Leslie Hussey, Emily Bosch, and Michelle Squire
The Association between Sleep Loss and Women’s Wellness Decisions, Gudeta D. Fufaa and Amber S. Linde
Are We There Yet? Data Saturation in Qualitative Research, Patricia I. Fusch Ph.D. and Lawrence R. Ness
Support College Students with Disabilities Who Do Not Identify and Self-Advocate, Stephanie Gaddy
Support Students with Disabilities Who Transfer, Both into and out of Your Institution, Stephanie Gaddy
Trust Your Students to Take Risks, Stephanie Gaddy
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Brandy L. Gilea and Rachel M. O’Neill
Developing and Evaluating Client Treatment Plans, Laura R. Haddock, Michelle Perepiczka, and Ruth Outz Moore
Important Professional Issues in Addiction Counseling, M Haley and S.H. Golden
The Politics of the Hunger Games, Jamey Heit
Social Mobility Through Mathematics Proficiency for English Language Learners, Denfield L. Henry, Beate Baltes, and Nicolae Nistor
Weighing in on the Body Knowledge Questionnaire: Initial Development and Pilot Testing, David A. Hernandez and Cheri Ann Hernandez
Fa-MI-ly: Experiential Techniques to Integrate Motivational Interviewing and Family Counseling, Karena J. Heyward, Jessica Lloyd-Hazlett, and Eleni Maria Honderich
Matching Goals, Developing Skills, and Getting the Most out of Clinical Placements, Rachel M. Hoffman O’Neill
Intermittent Explosive Disorder, E.F. Huspeth, D. M. Wirick, and K.M. Matthews
Intersecting social justices in music education, Estelle R. Jorgensen
Shifting Paradigms in Music Education Research, Estelle R. Jorgensen and Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman
Health Care Education Is a Lifeline for the National Economy, Mountasser Kadrie Dr.
Engagement Multiplied: The Impact of Dialogue across Difference in Fostering Civic Mindedness and Civic Identity as Professionals, Cheryl H. Keen and D. Richard
Creating Activating Events for Transformative Learning in a Prison Classroom, Cheryl H. Keen and Robert Woods
Supervisors' Suggestions for Enhancing Counseling Regulatory Boards' Sanctioned Supervision Practices, Victoria E. Kress, Rachel O' Neill, Jake J. Protivnak, and Nicole Stargell
Counseling Couples Using Life Cycle and Narrative Therapy Lenses, C. R. Logan, Aaron H. Jackson, Lee A. Teufel-Prida, and D. M. Wirick
Diffusion of Rapid HIV Oral Testing Among Dental Professionals, E Mamai-Homata, H Koletsi-Kounari, J Snodgrass, Vasileios Margaritis, and Michelle Connor
An initial survey of health management online programs: commonalities, differences, and future trends, Linda J. Mast, Anne M. Hewitt, and Donald Zimmerman
Promoter Ownership and Working Capital Management Efficiency of Indian Manufacturing Firms, Neil Mathur, John D. Obradovich, Harvinder S. Mand, and Amarjit Gill
Leadership in Collegiate Soccer, Jack McCann, Thomas Kohntopp, and Power Home Remodeling Group
Teaching Writing Skills to Students for Clinical Competence and Professional Advocacy, K Elizabeth McDonald; Holly J. Hartwig Moorhead; and Anita A. Neuer Colburn,
Assessing and Managing Spider and Scorpion Envenomation, Stephen McGhee, Aaron Weiner, Alan Finnegan, Constance Visovsky, John M. Clochesy, and Brian Graves
Developing an online direct-assessment competency-based Masters of Healthcare Administration: Insights, challenges, and lessons learned, Lisa Monica McIntyre-Hite, Mountasser Kadrie Dr., Heather Pederson, and Terry Hudgins
Stress-Free Digital Activities for the First Days of School, Rebekah McPherson and Haley Wallace
Real Talk About Breast Cancer, Phyllis D. Morgan
Four Diverse Educators Chronicle Challenges in a Christian-Centered Society, Mary Lou Morton, Susan V. Bennett, and AnnMarie Alberton Gunn
Fostering Faculty Collaboration and Community: Reflecting on Practice, Bonnie Mullinix
Informal Learning in Online Knowledge Communities: Predicting Community Response to Visitor Inquiries, Nicolae Nistor, Mihai Dascălu, Lucia Stavarache, and Yvonne Serafin
Online Knowledge Communities as Student-Centered Open Learning Environments: How Likely Will They Be to Integrate Learners as New Members?, Nicolae Nistor, Mihai Dascălu, Christian Tarnai, and Nicolas Bresser
Finding Student-Centered Open Learning Environments on the Internet: Automated Dialogue Assessment in Academic Virtual Communities of Practice, Nicolae Nistor, Stefan Trăușan-Matu, Mihai Dascălu, and Costin Chiru
Factors Affecting Ethical Sources of External Debt Financing for Indian Agribusiness Firms, John D. Obradovich, Amarjit Gill, Harvinder S. Mand, and Neil Mathur
A Qualitative Study of Supervisors' Reflections on Providing Sanctioned Supervision, Rachel O' Neill, Jake J. Protivnak, Nicole Stargell, and Emily R. Herman
Google Glass App for Displaying ASL Videos for Deaf Children – The Preliminary Race, Becky Parton
Need a Hand? Quickly Create Your Own Intelligent Tutoring System, Becky Parton
Social Scholars: Teaching and Research Practices in Social-Mediated Environments, Beth A. Robelia Ph.D., Christine Greenhow, Benjamin William Gleason, and Amelia Askari
The Current State of Evidence-Based Practices with Classroom Management, Peter Ross and Bruce Sliger
Handbook of Research on Gaming Trends in P-12 Education, Donna Russell
Oral Health Practices of State and Non-State-Funded Licensed Childcare Centers in Wisconsin, Usa, Dana Scheunemann, Michael Schwab, and Vasileios Margaritis
“Ask the Experts” Panel, Kurt Schoch
Expert Clinician to Novice Nurse Educator. Learning from First-Hand Narratives, Jeanne Merkle Sorrell and Pamela Cangelosi
Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intentions Among Healthcare Internal Auditors, Mouhamadou Thile Sow
Mindfulness: Being Present in the Moment, Stephanie Ann Stathas and Christine Frazer
Natural Labor Pain Management, Debora Henline Sullivan and Courtney McGuiness
Information Technology and Childbirth Education, Debra Henline Sullivan
Life Course Exposure to Smoke and Early Menopause and Menopausal Transition, H Tawfik, J Kline, J Jacobson, P Tehranifar, A Protacio, A Flom, J.D. Cirillo, B.A. Cohn, and M.B. Terry
Life Course Exposure to Smoke and Early Menopause and Menopausal Transition, H Tawfik, J Kline, J Jacobson, P Tehranifar, A Protacio, A Flom, J.D. Cirillo, B.A. Cohn, and M.B. Terry
The Validation of the Spanish Version of the Emotional Skills Assessment Process, Rosalía Teliz-Triujeque, Michelle Brown, Gary Low, and Darwin Nelson
Dog Bite Reflections—Socratic Questioning Revisited, Cheri A. Toledo
Consultation and Referrals, Robyn Trippany-Simmons, Tiffany C. Rush-Wilson, Jason Patton, and Michelle Perepiczka
Junk in the Trunk: Body Shaming in Women’s Soccer, Diana Tucker
Casing Sport Communication, Diana Tucker and Jason S. Wrench
Improving K-12 STEM Education Outcomes through Technological Integration, Michael J. Urban and David A. Falvo
Counting the Children: The Role of Children in the Production of Finger Flutings in Four Upper Palaeolithic Caves, Leslie VanGelder
Group Sizes of Upper Paleolithic Cave Artists, Leslie VanGelder
The Role of Children in the Creation of Finger Flutings in Koonalda Cave, South Australia, Leslie VanGelder
Fear of Fatherhood, Deborah Weatherspoon, Wendy Sponsler, Christopher Weatherspoon, and Dorothy Campbell
Pharmacology Update on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Major Depression, Deborah Weatherspoon, Christopher Weatherspoon, and Brianna Abbott
Speaking Their Language: Integrating Social Media into Childbirth Education Practice, Deborah Weatherspoon, Christopher Weatherspoon, and C. Ristau
Submissions from 2014
Motivational Issues of Faculty in Saudi Arabia, Peter J. Anthony and Akram Abdul Cader
Education Attainment: Success to the Successful, Peter J. Anthony, David Gould, and Gina S. Smith
An Evaluation of a College Exercise Leader Program: Using Exercise Science Students as Advocates for Behavior Modification, Shelley N. Armstrong Dr., Daniel R. Henderson, Michelle M. Burcin, and Brian M. Williams
Strategy: Trust: Strategy, Alen Badal
Storytelling to Teach Cultural Awareness: The Right Story at the Right Time, Beate Baltes, Nancy Maldonado, and Mary McCullum Baldasaro EdD
Prevention and Crisis Intervention Services, M. L. Bartlett, Robyn Trippany-Simmons, and Stacee L. Reicherzer
Academic Administrator Leadership Styles and the Impact on Faculty Job Satisfaction, Justin Ted Bateh and Wilton Heyliger
Excessive Gestational Weight Gain: Long Term Health Risks, April Birdsong, Maureen Byrd, Hope N. Holcomb, Tiffany Marie Ticer, and Deborah Weatherspoon
Dispositional Hope as a Moderator of the Link Between Social Comparison with Friends and Eighth-Grade Students' Perceptions of Academic Competence, Joanna Bissell-Havran
Racial Discrimination and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms as Pathways to Sexual HIV Risk Behaviors Among Urban Black Heterosexual Men, L. Bowleg, C. C. Fitz, Gary J. Burkholder, Jenné S. Massie, Rahab Wahome, Michelle Teti, David J. Malebranche, and Jeanne Tschann
Back to Basics: Using the DSM-5 to Benefit Clients, Matt Buckley
Impact of Invasive Fungal Infections on Mortality, Length of Hospital Stay, and Costs in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients, Jenny Cai, Angela W. Prehn, Haran Schlamm, Massimiliano Mucci, and Aimee Ferraro
Relational-Cultural Theory in the Context of Feminism, Kristi B. Cannon
“I Don’t Want to Live”: The Adolescent at Risk for Suicidal Behavior, David Thomas Capuzzi