Transitioning to College: Experiences of Successful First-Generation College Students
Jonathan R. Ricks and Jeffrey M. Warren
Linkages Between Grade Point Average and Student Ratings
Robert D. Richardson and Robert L. Williams
Developing Innovative Practices Through Third-Space Partnerships: Reflections on Project DARE (Dementia Knowledge, Art, Research and Education)
Corinne A. Green, Michelle J. Eady Dr, Pippa Burns, Jessica Baker, Jennine Primmer, Penelope Harris, Carinya Barkley, and Victoria Traynor
Evaluation of a Teaching Assistant Program in Online Education
Shelley N. Armstrong, Kirsten Lupinski, Michelle M. Burcin, Kimberly Kato, and Marsha Kaufman
Achieving Equity: An Evaluation of a Multi-Component, Lower Division Student Success Program
Mary Beth Love, Rama Ali Kased, Savita Kumari Malik, Sherria D. Taylor, Vicki Legion, Celia Graterol, Alycia Shada, Paul Previde, and Patricia Wirth
The Effect of Mindfulness Techniques on Teacher Resilience as Moderated by Conscientiousness
Aundrea T. Harris and Nancy S. Bostain
Review of Schooling of Learners With Disabilities and the Manifestation of the Hidden Curriculum of Time
Theodoto Ressa
Implementing Inclusive Education In Early Childhood Settings: The Interplay and Impact of Exclusion, Teacher Qualities and Professional Development in Ghana
Francis R. Ackah-Jnr and Hyacinth Udah
Inter-Relationships Among Several Person-Related Attributes in Reading and Metacomprehension: Complexity and Educational Implications
Lin-Miao L. Agler and Larisa K. Alfsen
Elementary Content Teacher Perceptions Regarding Their ELL Instructional Practices
C. Wesley Owens and Steve P. Wells
Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher–Child Relationships, Student Behavior, and Classroom Management
Szu-Yu Chen, Natalya A. Lindo, Sarah Blalock, Dina Yousef, LaToya Smith, and Kara Hurt-Avila
Instructional Supervision and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives From Principals
Jesse D. Brock, Don M. Beach, Mandy Musselwhite, and Ikie Holder
Learning Model Based On Democratic Life
Şeyma Şahin and Abdurrahman Kılıç
Converging Andragogy With Working Adult Professionalism in Initial Teacher Preparation
Michelle Anderson and Stefani Boutelier
Community as a Sustaining Force: Strategies for Online Scholarly Support
Bonnie Mullinix, Alison Binger, and Michael Lees
Expanding STEM Membership: Using Science Process Skills in a Social Justice Curriculum to Combat Stereotype Threats and Build Self-Efficacy in African American Students
Beverly A. King Miller, Alma D. Stevenson, and Shelli L. Casler-Failing
An Evaluation of Local Mentor Support in AE E-Teacher Educational Technology Integration Online Teacher Training Course
Yasemin Yelbay Yilmaz and Seher Balbay
Virtual Faculty Strategies for Supporting Motivation of Online Doctoral Students
Crissie M. Jameson, Kelly Torres, and Shereeza Mohammed
Examining Student Mentorship Experiences in an Online Doctoral Program
Kelly M. Torres, Lord Giddie, and Aubrey Statti
Teacher Instructional Practices and Student Mathematics Achievement
Michael C. Osborne
The Paideia Program is Worth Another Look
Jessica Richardi
The POW+TREE Strategy’s Effects on the Argumentative Writing of Struggling Secondary Students
Matthias Grünke
A Culturally Responsive Literacy Approach to Develop Scientific Conceptual Knowledge through Creative Narratives
Alma D. Stevenson and Lacey D. Huffling
Differences In At-Risk Children's Preschool Assessment by Educators' Levels of Education
Folashade Z. Olayinka-Bello and Donna Brackin
First-Year Experience Course Impact on Undergraduate International Student Retention and Graduation
Dylan Rust and Raghvendra Singh
Book Review
Review of the Book Merging the Instructional Design Process With Learner-Centered Theory—The Holistic 4D Model, by Charles M. Reigeluth and Yunjo An
Sunnie Lee Watson
Scholarly Essays
Higher Education's Contributions to the U.S. Democratic Society
Robert L. Williams and Charaya C. Upton
Education Licensure Candidates During the Time of COVID-19: University Supervisors’ Reflections About the Forgotten Few
Andrea M. Wilson and Cheryl Burleigh
Positive Leadership Theory for Online Dissertation Mentoring
Lee Stadtlander