Relationships Between Stress Self-Management, Social Support, and Health in Hispanic Informal Caregiver Burnout Prevention, Nicole Alexandra Mas Román
Relationships Between Stress Self-Management, Social Support, and Health in Hispanic Informal Caregiver Burnout Prevention, Nicole Alexandra Mas Román
Intersectional Approach to Understand Condom Use Behavior Between Black and Latinos MSM and Transgender Women, Vanessa J. Mejia
The Effects of Acculturative Stress on the Physical/Mental Health of Immigrant Mexican Women, Maria Del Carmen Mendoza Griego
Experiences of Employers of Hispanic Immigrants and the Labor Shortage in the United States, Alba M Mathewson
Elementary and Middle School Administrators’ Decisions about Professional Development for Bilingual Educators, Enid Montalvo
Relationship between Income, Maternal and Infant Factors, and Infant Mortality Rates in African American Communities, Kristen Newman
Diabetes Distress Among Adults Living in Texas, Jenny Chinedu Ogadi
Role of Hypertension in Low-Birth-Weight Racial Disparities Among Virginian Women, Ashli Owen
Latino Pastors’ Perceptions of Referring Intimate Partner Violence Victims to Secular, Esther M. Rios
The Effect of Parental Socialization on the Postsecondary Plans of Latino/Hispanic Students, Nilda Ivette Rosario
The Effect of Parental Socialization on the Postsecondary Plans of Latino/Hispanic Students, Nilda Ivette Rosario
Contributing Factors to Mammography Screening Among African American and Hispanic Women: Quantitative Correlation Study, Candace Russell
Factors That Influence Seeking Prostate Cancer Preventive Care in African Immigrants, MILLICENT N. SEILENGA
The Effectiveness of Culturally Specific Interventions on Young Adult Latina Women, CHERYL DENISE SMITH
Self-Identifying Latino/a/x Former Mental Health Therapy Clients’ Experiences Receiving Mental Health Therapy, Teresa Sypolt
Exploring Promotoras as Influencers of Physical Activity and Diet Acceptability Among Latinas, Gladys Orock Tataw-Ayuketah
The Impact of Poverty and Gender-Based Disaster Education on Household Preparedness Planning in Male Latino Migrant Workers, Malikah Taylor
Health Belief Effects on Preventive Health among Hispanic Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers, Angela M. Trawick
The Influence of Parents' Pathological Social Media Engagement and Parenting Style on Delinquent Behavior Among Mexican American Adolescents, Martha Lilia Varela-Rios
Factors Influencing Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Hispanic Youth in Bexar County, Texas, Timothy Edward Wallum
Health Educators’ Perspectives on Black and Latin@ College Students’ Health Literacy, Desiree Williams Brown
Hispanic Graduates’ Perspectives on Experiences Contributing to Successful Community College Degree Completion, Catherine Aguilar-Morgan
Access to Preventive Health Care Services and Effects on Health Outcomes for Hispanic Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes, Shafa Al-Showk
Administrators’ Perceptions of Transformational Leadership Practices Influencing African American and Hispanic High School Graduation, Sue Arredondo
The Experience of Therapists Working with Mexican American Children of Substance Abusing Parents, Tracy M. Basile
Social Support, Substance Use, and Mental Health Services Utilization Among African Americans, Thomas Symche Bendu
The Impact of Self-Esteem and Body Dissatisfaction on Internalized Stigma in Obese, Hispanic Women, Dorothy M. Burns
Perceptions of Acculturative Stress and English Language Learning in Latino Immigrants, Jamilah L. Byrom
Exploring the Dating Experiences of Biracial Women, Camela Callaway-Higgins
Fetal/Infant Mortality: Understanding Race and Ethnicity, Birthing Location, and Prenatal Care, Chelsea Collum
Ambivalence Over Emotion Expression and the Effects of Religious Coping in African American Christians, Anya Loraine Dobbs
Ambivalence Over Emotion Expression and the Effects of Religious Coping in African American Christians, Anya Loraine Dobbs
HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Prevention in Women, Ateela Duffy
Type 2 Diabetes and Pesticide Exposure Among U.S. Hispanic Migrant Farmworkers, Judith Faustin-Gabriel
Systematic Review of the Barriers to Breastfeeding for Non-Hispanic Black Women, Ketty N. Floyd
Healthcare Access for Elderly African American Type 2 Diabetics on Medicare, William Alexander Floyd
Compassion Fatigue and Intersectionality in Human Service Practitioners: Latina Low-Wage-Earners Fighting Poverty, Marlo Greponne
Correlation Between Therapeutic Outcomes and Acculturation for Hispanic Veterans With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Laura H. Hernandez
Contaminated Raw Produce as a Major Source of Foodborne Salmonellosis, Barisua C. Ikpe
Social Ecological Factors Affecting Marijuana Use Among Young Adults in the United States, Temple Oritsegbubemi Jagha
Adult Obesity in Sanpete County, Utah, Matthew Larson
Race and Proportionality of Traffic Stops by Four Police Departments in Demographically Distinct Communities., Danielle Sheree Lessard
Intimate Partner Violence Experiences Among Puerto Rican Mothers, Maria Natal
Intimate Partner Violence Experiences Among Puerto Rican Mothers, Maria Natal
Identification Process of Black and Hispanic Students in Elementary Gifted Education, Verschello Maria Nelson
Pathways and Assessment Effects on Composition I for Hispanic Non-Native English Speakers, Tammy L. Perez
Suicide Prevention in Ventura County California, Celeste Rains-Turk
The Lived Experiences of Black Youth Who Recidivate in Diversion Programs, Justin Richards
Examining the Factors that Lead to Latinas Stopping Breastfeeding Across the United States, Dulce Ruelas
Effects of Latino Inequity in the Illinois State Government: An Analysis Through the Polarities of Democracy, Rebecca Sanchez
Addressing Adult Obesity in Columbus, Mississippi, Willie S. Sanders
The Impact of Sub-baccalaureate Educational Attainment of Post-graduation Employment, Freda Scott
Impact of Emotional Disturbance on Crime among Latinos in Texas, Patricia Kendra Sellers
Perspectives of African American and Hispanic American Students on Academic Support Services, Cynthia McLain Shyne
Teaching Guidelines for Screening Prostate Cancer in African American Men, Joain Sophie Silvera
A Culturally Responsive Literacy Approach to Develop Scientific Conceptual Knowledge through Creative Narratives, Alma D. Stevenson and Lacey D. Huffling
Officer Perceptions of Cultural Competency and Growing Hispanic Suburbia in Northwest Indiana, Joseph William Swanson
Role of Case Management in Access to Mental Health Care Among African Americans With Medicaid, Kira-Jai Jayne Taylor
The Impact of Far-Right Groups on the Lives of Latinas/os in Gwinnett County Georgia, Collins Uhuangho
Social Determinants of Health and Health Behaviors of Hispanics, Suheily Valderrama
Prejudice of Mexican American Students Toward Recently Immigrated Mexican Students, Peter Valle
Preventing Future Children from Living in Poverty in Port Isabel, Texas, January M. Walker
Association Between Modifiable Risk Factors and Stroke Among Hispanics, Shanice Williams
Impact of Case Management on Childhood Lead Exposure in Marion County, Indiana, Maliki Yacouba
Medical and Mental Health Comorbidities Among Minority Racial/Ethnic Groups in the United States, Naheed Ahmed and C. Andrew Conway
Environmental Barriers to Accessing Tertiary Prevention among Hispanics Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, Stella B. Biira
Factors Affecting Cervical Cancer Screening Among Dominican Women Living in the United States, Cybil Bonhomme
Hispanic Nursing Students’ Perspectives on Student-Clinical Instructor Relationships and Learning, Inela Brito
Relationship Between Health Risk Behaviors and Obesity Among American High School Students, Jacques Jean-Paul Cherry
The Experience of Latina Victims of Domestic Violence in Seeking Support Services, Jeanine Chuya
Nurse Practitioner-Led Education Program for Heart Failure Patients, Shay Felecia Clarke
Teacher and Administrator Perspectives on Low Reading Achievement Among Middle School Hispanic Students, Erica Criswell
Cultural Identity as a Predictor of Weight Loss in U.S. Hispanics, Leon Daniels
Best practices for screening and Early treatment for HIV in the Hispanic Community, juliana deboviel
Family Rejection and Unprotected Sex inLatino Gay Men, Juan Alejandro De Llano Montano
Comparison of Work-Related Values and Leadership Preferences of Mexican Immigrants and Caucasians, Alonso Raul Duarte
Hispanic Women's Experiences and Perceptions of Challenges in Higher Education Leadership, Blanca Figueroa Estrada
Treatment Disparities in Black and Hispanic Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Charlotte Seiji Frey
Resiliency in Latino Youth Experiencing Cartel Violence and Other Perceived Traumatic Events, Kasandra Garcia Reyna
Impact of Demographic Characteristics and Therapy on Tuberculosis Incident Cases, Iliedor Garcon
Racial Disparities in Periconceptual Folic Acid Levels, Kelvin Gibson
Influence of Summer Bridge Programs on First-Generation Latino Students' Academic Success, Amber Dawn Gutzwiler
Understanding Impostor Phenomena in Hispanic Students from Three Different Learning Environments, Marie Hernandez-Seltz
Perceptions of Individualized Education Plan Involvement from Hispanic Parents and Special Education Teachers, Peace Ibeanusi
Use of Spanish Audio Podcast to Educate Visually Challenged Hispanics with Diabetes, Baiju Issac
Lived Experiences of Asian and Latinx Online Doctoral Students, Richard Jimenez
Assessment of Self-Reported Mental Health and Acculturation Stress Among Foreign-Born and U.S.-Born Latinos in Immokalee, Florida: A Pilot Study, Payal Kahar and Lirio K. Negroni
Managing Hypertension in Afro-Caribbean immigrants of non-Hispanic Origin, Ann marie Laban
Perceptions of Academic Success of English as a Second Language Nursing Students, Jean Lansang
Predictors of LARC Use in High School Adolescent Females in the UnitedStates, Gloria J. Mabry
Hispanic Adult Learners’ Support Expectations in a Higher Education Hispanic Serving Institution, Jon McHenry
Obesity, Physical Activity, and the Place of Residence Among Latinos, Chanda McNeal
Masculine Ideals, Acculturation, and Attitudes Toward Seeking Psychological Help Among Mexican American Adult Males, Innocent Affam Obuah
Demographic factors associated with childhood obesity among women, infants, children (WIC) participants in 2014, Olukayode Wisdom Oduwole
Education to Improve Health for Rural Africa American Women with Diabetes, Monique Deidre Pendleton
A Qualitative Phenomenological Review of Hispanic Women's Journey to an Executive Level Position, Olga Lydia Piedra
Latina/o Students’ Perceptions of Academic Self-Confidence in Community College Experiences, Sara Lenore Pierce
Understanding Retention Issues Among African American Males in a Community College Setting, Angee Ponder
Exploring the Use of Familismo to Manage Depression Among Elderly Latino Women, Denise Ramos