"The Impact of Far-Right Groups on the Lives of Latinas/os in Gwinnett " by Collins Uhuangho

Date of Conferral





Public Policy and Administration


Lori Demeter


AbstractThe research problem that this study sought to address was the effects of far-right groups on the lives of Latinas/os. The research problem is important as far-right groups can spread racism- and violence-related propaganda and assault, insult, and racially discriminate against minorities and immigrants, which likely negatively impacts the lives of the victimized individuals. The purpose of the study was to explore how the Latina/o population living in the County are impacted by far-right groups in Gwinnett County, Georgia. The main research question was: To what extent are Latinas/os living in Gwinnett County, Georgia, affected by the presence of racism- and violence-related propaganda, insult, assault, and racial discrimination by extremist far-right groups? The theoretical framework was Latina/o critical race theory (LatCrit). The general qualitative study consisted of interviewing 20 Latina/o participants who live in Gwinnett County, Georgia. Social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and LinkedIn) were utilized for recruitment. Thematic analysis via NVivo software was used to analyze the collected data to help discern crucial themes and patterns. The study participants reported negative encounters, receiving insults, assault and discrimination. Due to this form of treatment at the hands of far-right groups, participants became stressed, depressed, and suffered performance issues at school and the workplace. The current study may help promote positive social change by providing knowledge that can be used to improve existing local and state governments’ policies to ensure better protection of minorities and immigrants.

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