Predicting High School Freshmen Dropout Through Attentional Biases and Initial Grade Point Average, Gregory P. Hickman 5132917, Randy Heinrich, Margaret Sabia, and LaCoñia Rayelle Nelson
The Impact of Stereotype Threat on the Social Self-Efficacy and Academic Performance of Mexican Immigrants, Jessica Holmes
Breastfeeding Perceptions of First-Time African American Mothers, Deborah Annmarie Jarrett
Differentiating Instruction Through Multiple Intelligences in a Middle School Mathematics Classroom, Marcella Patricia Jones
Immigrating to Northeast America: The Kenyan Immigrant's Experience, Jane Kabuiku
The Relationship Between Hispanics/Latino Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women Cultural Beliefs, Risk Behaviors and Self-Disclosure, Donnalee Maria Lawson-Williams
Translation and Validation of the Spanish Version of the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Dentistry-30, Wilma Luquis
School Nurses' Role in the Management of Children with Type 2 Diabetes, Rosaline Jane Martinez-Culpepper
Self-Reported Health Status, Perceived Risk for Developing Breast Cancer, and Mammography Screening Use, Idara Sylvanus McPartling
Relationship Between Eighth Grade Social Science Students, Teacher Diversity and Academic Success, Rachel Elaine Murphy
The Relationship Between Youths' Risky Sexual Behavior and Race/Ethnicity, William Patrick Odhiambo Okello
Racial Ethnic Health Disparities: A Phenomenological Exploration of African American Adults with Diabetes Complications., Florence A. Okombo
Social Change Initiatives for African-American and Latino Males in Los Angeles County, Kay Ramsey
The Effects of the Foreclosure Crisis on the Black and Hispanic Population in Lee County, Florida, Stenia K. Reid-Hall
The Effects of the Foreclosure Crisis on the Black and Hispanic Population in Lee County, Florida, Stenia K. Reid-Hall and Stenia K. Reid-Hall Ph. D
Students' Mathematics Self-Efficacy, Anxiety, and Course Level at a Community College, Scott Reiner Spaniol
Students' Participation in an Alternative to Suspension Program, Yolanda Jordan Stovall
Perceived Barriers to Lifestyle Change in Obese, Low-Income Hispanic Women, Mariana Daniela Torchia
Impact of Social Support Networks on Level of Stress and Self-Esteem Among Canadian Immigrants, Jackie Williamson
Measuring Determinants of Oral Health Behaviors in Parents of Low-Income Preschool Children, Josefine Ortiz Wolfe
The Effect of Personal Beliefs and Perceptions on Influenza Vaccination Uptake among Older Adults, Rani Sujatha Athota
Risk of Alzheimer's Disease Among Older Hispanic/Latinos with Diabetes, Kathy Bianco
The Association Between Osteoporosis and Early Menopause Following Hysterectomy, Mia Meeyaong-Won Botkin
The Association between Osteoporosis and Early Menopause following Hysterectomy, Mia Meeyaong-Won Botkin
Using Cultural Cognition for Learning English: A Mexican Immigrant Family's Perspective, Cherri Louise Brown
Exploring the Experiences of Hispanic ESL Students in ESL Programs, Raynelda A. Calderon
Parents Perception of Safety in Pennsylvania and Children's Activity and Weight, Linda C. Carr
Exploring the Transition of First-Generation Mexican American Students from Grade 8 to High School, Mary C. Curry
Self-Efficacy and Self-Management Assessments on Hispanic Patients with Diabetes, Yesenia DeJesus
Cultural Influences on the Weight, Diet, and Physical Activity of Pregnant Immigrant Latinas, Martha Eugenia Dominguez
Perceptions of Immunizations as Health Prevention among Female Mexican Immigrants in Oklahoma, Jennifer Doyle
Perceptions of Emergency Preparedness Among Immigrant Hispanics Living in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Rebekah Doyle
Sexual Health Education Policy: Influences on Implementation of Sexual Health Education Programs, Renata Denise Ellington
Predictors of Depression Among Adult Mexican Americans Diagnosed With Type II Diabetes, Ifeanyi Gabriel Ezeh
The Effect of Acculturative in the Psychological Adjustment of Immigrant Hispanic Parents, Estela Garcia
Beliefs Among Mothers of Adolescent Females on Cervical Cancer Vaccination, Aja Rochelle Gardner
Marketing Strategies for Increasing Latino Enrollment in Higher Education, Melissa Rocio Gomez de la Fuente
Risk Factors Associated with Depression and Anxiety in Older Adults of Mexican Origin, Raquel Estrada Gonzalez, Magy Martin, and Don Martin
Culturally-Based Diabetes Self-Management Education and Diabetes Knowledge in the Hispanic Population, Leslie Weldon Grunden
Predictors of Latino English Learners’ Reading Comprehension Proficiency, David A. Hernandez and Theresa A. Grasparil
Effect of Healthy Food Demonstration on Minority Women's Dietary Habits in San Antonio, Texas, Staria Hudson Black
Immigration to North East America: The Impact on Kenyans Mental Health, Jane Kabuiku
Immigration's Impact on Emerging Mental Health Issues Among Kenyans in the Northeast United States, Jane Itumbi Kabuiku
Factors Affecting Body Mass Index Levels in African American Women Living in North Carolina, Padmini Shanti Kirpalani
Acculturation, Inflammation, and Depression Among Hispanic Adults in the United States, Kristin Marie Marano
Ethiopian and Eritrean Businesses Growth Barriers in the Washington, DC Area, Sereke-Berhan Meres
Increasing Black Student Literacy Proficiency Using English Language Learner Instructional Strategies, Niki Tiara Newman-Brown
Risk Factors Associated With Severe Acute Respiratory Infections Cases, Ryan Gatdula Ortiguerra
Impact of Positive Youth Development Services on Resilience Among Adjudicated Girls, Shaunette Roberta Byers Parker
Health Literacy Among Elderly Hispanics and Medication Usage, Wilda Parker
A Plan for the Implementation and Evaluation of Diet Education in Type 2 Diabetes, Soy Ramsumeer
The Underuse of Hospice Care in the African American Military Beneficiary Population, Wanda Castleberry Richards
Evaluation of Intervention to Increase Exercise Among a Group of Hispanic Patients in South Florida, Rene Beltran Rodriguez Elias
Junior High Latino Parents' Perceived Roles in Home and School Partnerships, Mytzy Vania Rodriguez-Kufner
Socioecological Determinants of Obesity Among Hispanic Parents/Child Caregivers in Aurora, Illinois, Deanna Marie Sommers
The Association between Demographic Factors and Use of California's Health Insurance, Chiquita Theresa Tuttle
Influences of Peer Pressure and Relationship Knowledge on Sexual Behaviors of Hispanic/Latino Youth, Richard Velez
The Effects of Parent Involvement on Student Outcomes in a Minority-Serving Charter High School, Linda Varnell Washington
An Analysis of Grade 4 Teachers' Mathematical Instructional Strategies, Dedra L. Wilson-Patrick
Maternal Depression, Infant Feeding Practices, and Weight Gain Among African American and Hispanic Women, Alphonsus Maduwuba Agbaere
The Distribution of Type 1 Diabetes Onset in the United States by Demographic Factors, Margaret Beckstrand
Una Perspectiva Humanista para la Educación del Futuro: Revelaciones Internacionales, Tom Cavanagh, M.C. Nieto Angel, L.H. Fickel, and S. Macfarlaine
Hispanic High School Dropouts: Their Unheard Voices, Cheryl Ann Clayton-Molina
Coping Patterns and Health Outcomes among Minority Women Living with HIV, Juanita Adrienne Dauya
Hispanic Women Business Executives' Self-Perceptions of Leadership Effectiveness, Daniel R. Dusch
Community College Developmental Education Services: Perspectives of Spanish-Speaking Latino Early Childhood Educators, John Edward Eberly
Community College Developmental Education Services: Perspectives of Spanish-Speaking Latino Early Childhood Educators, John Edward Eberly
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Program in the Medical Office Clinic, Jovita Chibuzo Ezirim
Uterine Fibroid Symptom Severity and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life Among African American Women, Ilisher Ford
Nonattendance Rates and Barriers to Health Care in Outpatient Clinic Settings, Susan Louise Geiger
Health literacy and the level of hypertension in urban Latinos, Marlene Rosetta Glashen
Risk Factors Associated with Depression and Anxiety in Older Adults of Mexican Origin, Raquel Estrada Gonzalez
Predictors of Latino English Learners’ Reading Comprehension Proficiency, Theresa A. Grasparil and David A. Hernandez
Diabetes Among Hispanic Immigrants: the Impact of Age at Migration, Nancy Hahn
Factors Impacting Body Mass Index of Hispanic Youth in a Weight Loss Program, Elizabeth Maria Hartman
Race/Ethnicity, Diet, and Physical Activity Behavior Among College Students, Ronda Herbert
Albumin Levels in Hispanic Dialysis Patients With and Without Type II Diabetes, Hector Hernandez
Community College Leaders’ Experiences in Adapting to Changing Student, Joyce Hewett
Community College Leaders' Experiences in Adapting to Changing Student Demographics, Joyce Hewett
Predictors of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Hispanic Women in the United States, Benedicta Ngozi Ilouno
Primary Factors Affecting Breastfeeding in African American Communities, Lowest Jefferson
Associative Factors of Acculturative Stress in Latino Immigrants, Sam Kedem
Obesity and Workplace Injury in Hazardous Occupations Among the Hispanic/Latino Population, Barbara Klyde
School Climate, Developmental Assets, and Academic Success in KIPP Hispanic Students, Rebecca Elaine Lopez
Differentiating Demographic Factors in Latino Patients with Type 2 Diabetes, Carol Lynne Manning
Health Literacy and Health Decision Making Attitudes in People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Christine Miranda
Causes of Low Voter Turnout of the Hispanic Population in Southwest Texas, Shawn Steven Morrow
Success Experiences of Hispanic Nursing Students Who Persisted and Graduated after Academic Failure, Barbara Ninan
Predictors of Obesity Among Nigerian Immigrants in the United States, Olawunmi Obisesan
Contextual Factors and Direct Exposure to HIV: Influences on Youth Sexual Intention, Hadiza Ladidi Osuji
Mental Health Treatment Adherence and Minority Clients' Perception of Clinician Cultural Awareness, Patricia Parker
Addressing Higher Education Issues of Latino Students in Greenville County, South Carolina, Sandra Elizbeth Portillo de Yúdice
Spheres of Influence: Understanding African American Males' Perceptions and Attitudes toward Infant Feeding Practices, Makeva M. Rhoden
Success Factors for Women of Color Information Technology Leaders in Corporate America, Annette Skervin
Narrowing the Mathematical Achievement Gap Among African American and Latino Students, Muriel Eileen Smith
Why Latino American Community College Students Drop Out After One Semester, Rosa Delia Smith
Diversity Visa Lottery: Threats to U.S. National Security, John Suvor