"Latino Pastors’ Perceptions of Referring Intimate Partner Violence Vic" by Esther M. Rios

Date of Conferral







Jacqueline Cooks-Jones


Information about intimate partner violence (IPV) perceptions within the Latino clergy population is scarce. This research study investigated perceptions, experiences, and biases, precluding Latino clergy in referring church members to outside resources. The research question focused on Latino pastors’ perceptions about referring church members victims of IPV to secular organizations. Understanding clergy’s IPV perceptions provided an opportunity for scholars to explore ways for clergy to discover other organizations contributions to IPV. Historical oppression was used as the framework for the study because Latino women victims of IPV experience severe victimization and are afraid to report the abuse. Previous research does not address Latino clergy in depth. Ten Latino clergy between the ages 45-60 years old who have served in a clergy position for at least 5-years and counseled IPV victims within their congregations were interviewed. The data were analyzed manually. Two themes emerged from the findings: (1) Traumatic experiences and effect in clergy’s life, and (2) Cultural and religious influences. The two themes support the need for further investigation into clergy’s cultural and religious biases in referring IPV victims to outside organizations, as posited in the research question. Furthermore, these findings indicate the need for educational resources and mentorship for clergy. The study is an essential contribution to the existing literature as an introductory exploration. The positive social change impact is that the community will create an atmosphere of cooperation with one common goal: decreasing the number of IPV victims.
