"End-of-Life Care for African Americans: A Staff Education Project" by Oneika Natasha Rigby-Britton

Date of Conferral



Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)




Sue Bell


Increased knowledge is needed among long-term care facility staff members regarding end-of-life care services. There is a gap in staff knowledge regarding how to initiate education about these care services with patients and family members and how these services impact patient care and health outcomes, especially among the African American residents in long-term care facilities. The practice-focused question addressed in this project was whether staff education increased the staff members’ knowledge about end-of-life care and how to initiate conversations with African American patients and families on available services. The development of this staff education project used Roger’s diffusion of innovation theory followed by the application of the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation (ADDIE) model to facilitate translation of the evidence into practice. A total of 16 staff members, representing all three shifts at the facility, attended the education in-service. The education included a PowerPoint presentation followed by a short question-and-answer session. A pretest and posttest were used to collect knowledge data before and after the staff education. Descriptive statistics in the form of number of correct answers were used to analyze findings. The change in mean test scores from pretest (58.75) to posttest (88.75) suggested that the education was effective in increasing staff knowledge. The potential positive social change resulting from this project is the increased use of end-of-life care services among African American patients in the long-term care facility and the easing of pain and suffering at end-of-life.

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Nursing Commons
