Official and Unofficial Mentorship by Generational Cohorts of State Teachers of the Year, Angelica Jordan
Factors Affecting Secondary Students' Learning in a Credit Recovery Program, Richard Alan Joyer
Intermediate Teachers' Perceptions of Reading Instruction Strategies and Professional Development Needs, Barbara Jean Joyner
Nutrition Services, Viral Suppression, CD4, and Retention in Ryan White Program Participants, Theresa Jumento
HPV Vaccination, Sociodemographic Variables, and Physician Recommendation in Select U.S. Areas, Rebecca Marie Jungbauer
Promoting Policy Advocacy in Nursing via Education, Carolyn Sue Jurns
Assessing the Implementation of Internal Branding Training in the Hotel Industry, Peter Juskiw
Eliminating Direct Ground Combat Definition and Assignment Rule: Internal Preparations for Implementation, Steven Justi
Strategies to Reduce Voluntary Employee Turnover in Small Retail Businesses in Jamaica, Georgia Justus
Factors Predicting Profitability of Enterprises Funded by Microfinance Institutions in Burkina Faso, Fulgence Kabore
Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Coteaching, Geeta Gupta Kadakia
The Effects of Female Genital Mutilation on Women of Sierra Leone, Nenneh Kalokoh Kalokoh
Mitigating Underage Marriage of Girls in Bo Town, Sierra Leone, Anne-Marie Kumba Kamanda
Exploring Security, Privacy, and Reliability Strategies to Enable the Adoption of IoT, Daud Alyas Kamin
Perceptions of Community-Based Participatory Research from Community and Academic Members, Ivonne G. Kanko
Impact of the Zambian Agricultural Policy on Grain Trade, Onesphore Karuho
Standardized Critical Thinking Tests as a Predictor of Success in Nursing Programs, Jaimee Kastler Kastler
Determinants of Switching From Peritoneal to Hemodialysis in Preserving Residual Renal Function, Mohamed Katerji
Business-Oriented Leadership Competencies of K-12 Educational Leaders, Kevin Alan Kaufman
Gamification Techniques and Millennial Generation Philanthropy, Karen Kavanaugh Kavanaugh
Phenomenological Investigation of Parents' Decisions Regarding Group-Home Placement of Adult Children with Intellectual Disabilities, LaShaunda Reese Kay
The Relationship between Nurse Manager Leadership Style and the Enculturation of Shared Governance, Anna Elizabeth Keane
Impact of Childcare Center Programs on Reading Achievement of English Language Learner Students, Valerie Keil
Development and Validation of an Adult Diet and Physical Activity Program in Primary Care Setting, Christiana Chinyere Keke-Ekekwe
The Impact of Maternity Healthcare Employees Professional Development on Pregnant Teen Health, Patricia.Kelley Kelley