High School to College Transition Among Black Males: An Action Research Project, Orval Albert Jewett
Attitudes and Perceptions of Mental Health Treatment for Native American Clients, Beverly Elaine Johnson
How Attitude Toward the Behavior, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control Affects Information Security Behavior Intention, David Philip Johnson
Community-Oriented Policing and Crime Rates and Crime Clearance Rates in North Carolina, Elizabeth Wrenn Johnson
Therapeutic Alliance Between African American Clients and European American Providers: A Phenomenological Study, Dr. Pamela Johnson-Hood
Behavioral Impacts of Father Absence on Middle School African American Boys, Ivy J. Johnson
Quantitative Poverty: Relationship Between Poverty Level and Population Size, GDP, and Gini Coefficient, Kelly Singleton Johnson
The Training Deficiency in Corporate America: Training Security Professionals to Protect Sensitive Information, Kenneth Tyrone Johnson
A Phenomenological Study of Cross Gender Mentoring Among U.S. Army Officers, Scott Randolph Johnson
Income, Education, Age, and Physical Activity Among Physically Disabled African American Women, Sherèè Johnson Johnson
Special Education Teachers' Experiences and Perceptions of Instructing Students With Learning Disabilities, Kala Harris Johnstone
The Effect of Health Literacy in Low Estimated Glomerular Filtration and Diabetes, Nicklett Johnston Johnston
Factors Affecting Inadequate Growth During Early Childhood in Guyana, South America, Valescia Xenobia John
The Meaning of Feeling Fearful for New Community/Public Health Nurses, Demetrius Ann Jones
The Policing Strategy of Racial Profiling and its Impact on African Americans, Derrick Paul Jones
Relationship Quality Associations Family Values for Online Graduate Students with Intimate Partners, Tracy J. Jones-Garcia
Postpartum Mothers' Attitudes Toward Breastfeeding, Jackie Denise Jones
The Association between Medical Marijuana Laws and Maternal Marijuana Use, Joseph Timothy Jones
Determining Cost-effectiveness and Learning Impact of Government-funded Counterterrorism Training Programs, Ira D. Jones, Jr
Strategies for Retaining a Multigenerational Workforce, Laurita M. Jones
Small to Medium Sized Enterprise Sustainability through Green Supply Chain Management, Leslie Jones
Differentiating Instruction Through Multiple Intelligences in a Middle School Mathematics Classroom, Marcella Patricia Jones
The Effects of Transitional Challenges on Ninth Grade School Dropouts, Merlene Leona Jones
Teachers' Theories of Teaching and Learning and the Use of Math Interventions, Nicole P. Jones
A Comparative Study of Cervical Cancer Among Indigenous Amerindian, Afro-Guyanese, and Indo-Guyanese Women in Guyana, Carol Jones-Williams