Strategies to Improve Small Business Sustainability, Tywon Guy
Cash Management Strategies to Improve the Sustainability of Small Tavern Businesses, Maren Michelle Haavig
Intergenerational Caregiver Loss and Successful Aging Opportunity Disruption of Bulgarian Elderly, Daniel Georg Habermann
Marijuana Legalization and Traffic Fatalities Involving Cannabinoids, Mark Lewn Hake
Implementation of a Trauma-Informed Care Program for the Reduction of Crisis Interventions, Renae Denise Hale
Relationship between Employee Development, Employee Burnout, and Employee Turnover Intentions, Marvin D. Hall
Teacher Clarity Strategies of Highly Effective Teachers, Megan Olivia Hall
An Exploration of Military Doctoral Students' Journey to Degree Completion, Nicola Jane Hall
Strategies to Mitigate Supply Chain Disruption Risks, Daniel G. Haloukas
Framing Islamophobia and Civil Liberties: American Political Discourse Post 9/11, Lama Hamdan
Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals' Perceptions of the Criminal Justice System, DeLisa Shundra Hamilton
Clinicians' Attitudes Toward Sex Offender Treatment, Vallerie Hancock
Strategies for Achieving Patient-Centered Healthcare and Cost Containment, Quincy Von Handy
A Qualitative Assessment of Professional Development in a Competency-Based Education Model, Kerry Hannah
A Qualitative Assessment of Professional Development in a Competency-Based Education Model, Kerry Hannah
A Qualitative Assessment of Professional Development in a Competency-Based Education Model, Kerry Hannah
The Impact of Service Dogs on Combat Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Christine R. Hansen
The Impact of Service Dogs on Combat Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Christine R. Hansen
Social and Structural Barriers to Safer Sex Among Heterosexual Female Sex Workers, Erika Nikole Harding-Davis
Use of Mobile Telephones: Experiences of First Responders in Rural African Communities, James Harding
Trauma Social Workers' Perspectives on the Response of Rural Social Work Agencies to Vicarious Trauma, Tiffany Ann Hardman
Teachers' Perceptions of Reflective Practices Within an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, Gail C. Hardwick
Developing a Clinical Practice Guideline for Improving Communication During Transitions of Care, Darla P. Hardy
Mentoring Relationship Preferences of Early, Middle, and Late Career Stage Registered Nurses, Tonya M. Harewood-Lawrence
Mentoring Relationship Preferences of Early, Middle, and Late Career Stage Registered Nurses, Tonya M. Harewood-Lawrence