Connecticut Primary Care Physicians and Chronic Lyme Disease, Yvette P. Ghannam
Effective Strategies for Recognition and Treatment of In-Hospital Strokes, Maryika Ivanova Gibson
Thirty-Day Readmission Risk Factors of African American Adult COPD Patients With Tracheostomies, Shekeita Gibson
Improving Disaster Preparedness and Planning for Chronic Disease Populations, Gladys N. Gichomo
Assessment of Tuberculosis Underreporting by Level of Reporting System in Lagos, Nigeria, Mustapha Gidado
Mental Health Counselors’ Experiences in Personal Counseling, Torrie Gilden
Elementary Teachers' Perceptions About Principals' Influences on Classroom Instruction, Floyd Thomas Giles
Evaluating an Educational Initiative for Postsurgical Vascular Patients, Cynthia Ann Gillespie
Promoting Early Mobility of Patients in the Intensive Care Unit, Sheryl L. Gilson
Parent/Patient Satisfaction and Physician/Nurse Interaction at a Children's Hospital, Veronica L. Givan
Preterm Infant Incubator Humidity Levels: A Systematic Review, Laurie Glass
Factors Affecting Breastfeeding in Preterm Infants, Evangeline Starks Glover
Relationships Between Nursing Resources, Uncompensated Care, Hospital Profitability, and Quality of Care, Gloria Glover
Factors That Influence Physical Activity Among African American Mothers at Recreation Centers, Nichole Leigh Glover
Small Business Responses to Reduce Impacts from Natural Disasters, Lenox Lemar Godfrey
Small Business Sustainability for Longer Than 5 Years, Matthew James Godwin
Critical Success Factors in Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation in U.S. Manufacturing, Justin Goldston
Assessing Perceptions of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among a Cohort of Noncontracted ROTC Cadets, Stephen P. Gontz
Culturally Related Curriculum and how it Influences Preservice Teachers, Ana-Alicia Gonzales
Academic Accountability between Charter and Public-School Principals in New Jersey, Nicole Goodman
Nudge Theory's Perceived Influence on FMLA Among Midwestern Metropolitan Nonprofit Arts Organizations, Eliza Gordner
Associations Between Income, Acculturation, Country of Origin, and Type II Diabetes Among African Immigrants to Ontario, Canada, Girma Aman Goshe
Work-Life Balance of Tenured and Tenure-Track Women Engineering Professors, Lily Giang-Tien Gossage
Employee Awareness of Organizational Cultural and Climate Expectations, Venita M. Govan
Nursing Education Workflows in EHR Training, Liezel Granada