Examining General Educators' Instructional Practices Teaching Mathematics to K-8 Students with Disabilities, Kendra Michelle Cumberland
Special Education Teachers' Perspectives Regarding Needed Support to Retain Special Educators, Kimberly Alaine Cunningham
Implementing Guidelines to Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance, Doreen Millicent Currie
The Relationship Between Workspace and Office Placement and Workforce Productivity and Wellbeing, Mladen Cvijanovic
Work-Family Conflict, Job Burnout, and Couple Burnout in High-Stress Occupations, Elizabeth Dacey
African American Women's Perceptions of Self-Value in the Transition to Natural Hair, Tekeilla Darden
Educator Perspectives on Incorporating Digital Citizenship Skills in Interpreter Education, Vicki Darden
An African American Male Perspective on Medication, Schizophrenia, and Crime, Artishia R. Dasher
Medicare and Medicaid Regulations' Financial Effects on Home Health Agencies' Performance, Binzie Roy Davidson
Evaluation of a Postpartum Hemorrhage Protocol, Lori M. Davies
QSEN Competency Confidence Levels in Two Groups of New Registered Nurses, Yvonne A. Davila
An Evaluation of a Redesigned Developmental Mathematics Course at a Hawaii Community College, Bebi Zamina Khan Davis
Targeted Education for the Prevention of Vaccine Refusal, Catina LaShawn Davis
Strong Black Women, Depression, and the Pentecostal Church, Dawn E. Davis
A Survey Study of Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of Student Classroom Behavior, Duane L. Davis
Counselor Educators' Social Justice and Advocacy Beliefs and Relationship to Their Actions, Marcia Colantha Davis
Strategies to Prevent and Detect Occupational Fraud in Small Retail Businesses, Marquita V. Davis
Increasing Clergy's Knowledge of Mental Illness, Confidence, and Willingness to Refer, Suzan Mae Davis Merritt
Association Between Substandard Housing and Asthma in African-American Children, Sharmanita Davis
Exploring Strategies for Implementing Information Security Training and Employee Compliance Practices, Alan Robert Dawson
Examining Congestive Heart Failure Hospital Readmissions from Skilled Nursing Facilities, Katherine Mary Day
Social Media Marketing Strategies Used by Owners of Small Retail Businesses, Curtis Dean
Understanding Social Workers' Roles Providing Case Management to Medicaid Managed Care Enrollees, VonTija DeeShawn Dean-EL
Improving Nurse Well-Being Through a Mindfulness-Based Education Strategy, Sandra Dearholt
Strategies Healthcare Managers Use to Reduce Hospital-Acquired Infections, Yohannes Debesai