Child Malnutrition in a Developing Country: A Persistent Challenge in Haiti, Jeanne M. Constant-Edma
Differences in Managerial Perception of Performance Between Veterans and Nonveterans, Sean Joseph Cook
The Experience of Founder's Syndrome in Nonprofit Organizations Founded by Women, Coutanya Moultry Coombs
Characteristics of Young People Seen in the Emergency Department for Assault-Related Injuries, Robyn Coons
Improving Nurses' Knowledge of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection, Misty Cooper
African American Christian Senior Pastor's Beliefs About Mental Health Treatment, Trinaa L. Copeland
Building a Compassion Fatigue Toolkit, Stephanie C. Correa
Relationship Between Noncognitive Skills and Mathematics Achievement, Joseph Costello
Relationship Between Noncognitive Skills and Mathematics Achievement, Joseph Costello
Increasing Nursing Staff Knowledge of Palliative Care Criteria with a Decision Tree, Juliana Cotton
Disaster Preparedness: Rescue Planning for People with Disabilities, Alimata Coulibaly
Customer Engagement Strategies Leaders Use to Sustain Small Businesses, John A. Coy
A Study of Rural Nonprofit Board Communication and Collaboration, Angela-Janine C. Crawford
Promoting Infant Safe Sleep Through Staff Education, MaryAnn Crawford
Influence of the Reflex Math Fact Fluency Program on Math Scores, Tammy D. Cress
Promoting Nursing Communication Competence on a Spinal Cord Injury Unit, Tishon L. Creswell
Scripted Programs: A Curriculum Evaluation, Amanda Rose Crose
Training Satisfaction of Behavioral Health Providers Treating Older Adult Substance Use, Claudia LPC Crosse-Wynn
Instructional Practices of Career and Technical Teachers toward English Language Learners, Alan Kendall Crouch
Gifted Students in Poverty's Perceptions of Blended Learning, Darren Chase Crutcher
Gifted Students in Poverty's Perceptions of Blended Learning, Darren Chase Crutcher
Gifted Students in Poverty's Perceptions of Blended Learning, Darren Chase Crutcher
Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Perceived Social Support Among Virtual Workers, Shanna Csikortos
Nurses' Perceptions of Patient Encounters During Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Education, Traci Edwynne Cullins-Clark
Expert Perspectives on How the Islamic State Potentially Shaped the Future of Islamic Transnational Terrorism: An Exploratory Study, Richard Bryant Culp