African American Women's Experiences and Understanding of Secondary Infertility, Claudelle Anisha Clarke
Faculty Perceptions of Student Experiences Regarding the Use of MyFoundationsLab, Kathy E. Clarke-Cook
Multivariate Relationships of Binge Watching-Drinking-Eating With Depression, Anxiety, and Stress in College Students, Katina Letrice Clarke
Decentralization Policy and Citizen Participation in Government: The Case of Liberia, Roland Tuwea Clarke
Principals’ Leadership Practices for Sustaining Music in K-3 Education, Ivone Fraiha Clark
Effectiveness of Physiological Alarm Management Strategies to Prevent Alarm Fatigue, Amy Clemens
Microlevel Fragility of the African American LGBT Community in North Carolina After House Bill 2, William Flozell Clements
Transformational Leadership in Public Schools Within Impoverished Areas, Suzanna Clifton
Novice Nurse Respiratory Educational Component's Impact on Confidence and Knowledge, Peggy Lynn Cline
Yoga as a Women’s Population Health Intervention, Lisa Ann Clow
Influence of Combat Veterans’ Attitudes and Behaviors on Community Reintegration, Nicole Dawn Cmerek
Ethnicity, Perceptions of Stress, and Depressive Symptoms Among Female Undergraduate Students, Claudia Priscilla Cobos
Factors Contributing to Military-Veteran Student Success, Charlene Sutton Cofield
Experiences of Postsecondary Students with Physical Disabilities with Online Learning, Amanda Elizabeth Cole
The Influence of Food Choices, Eating Habits, and Body Image of African American Mothers on Childhood Obesity, Debrua Perniece Coleman
An Exploration of Mental Health Practitioners' Perceptions of Ethical Requirements and Self-Care as Means to Maintain Professional Competence, Ebony Denise Coleman
Help-Seeking Experiences of African American Men With Depression, Tiffany Coleman
Strategies Nonprofit Leaders Use to Achieve Financial Stability Through Sustainable Funding, Jerel Lynnette Colemon
Impact of Smoking Cessation Education on Workplace Wellness, Monica Coles
The Psychological Impact of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Middle-Aged Men, Gregory E. Coles Sr.
A Quantitative Assessment of Empathy After an Art Prime with Counseling Students, Annette Lisa Coletta
Leadership Strategies to Improve Nurse Retention, Floyd Jordan Colwell
Leadership Strategies to Improve Nurse Retention, Floyd Jordan Colwell
Closing the Manufacturing Skills Gap Through Innovative Recruiting Practices, Jeffery Combs
The Role of Strategic Leadership in Healthcare Profitability, Joyce Collette Conner-Boyd