Faculty Members’ Perceptions of Organizational Culture and Implementation of Interprofessional Education, Cynthia Voyce
A Systematic Review of Culturally Sensitive Strategies to Address Obesity Among Hispanic-American Pediatric Patients in the Primary Care Setting, Rachel Vurbeff
Multidimensional Strategies to Mitigate Counterfeiting, Tan Vu
Teachers' Perceptions of Toxic Stress and Classroom Practices They Use with Young Children, Pamela Joyce Waddell
Retaining African American Male Sophomore Students at a Historically Black University, Gourjoine M. Wade
Using Formative Assessment of MAP Data to Shape Instructional Practices, Jeremy Wagner
Compassion Fatigue and Organizational Factors among Paraprofessionals in Inpatient Psychiatric Centers, Sephiratu Raji WAHAB
Instructors’ Perceptions of Differentiated Instruction at Four Universities in the United States, Brandy Waldron
Teachers’ Perspectives About Strategies to Address the Influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Marie C Walker Arroyo
Administrators' and Teachers' Perceptions of Leadership Behaviors and Impacts on Student Outcomes, Kenya Walker
Bedside Nurses' Perception of Their Role Managing Elderly Patient's Polypharmacy, Patience E. Walker
Identifying What Hinders Effective Interactions Between Correctional Staff and Transgender Juvenile Offenders, Tawanda Walker
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Assessment Technology Institute NCLEX- RN Predictor Score, Debra Ann Wallace
Program Evaluation of a Home-Based Primary Care Practice and Patients with Heart Failure, Anne Rose Walsh
Association Between Childhood Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Inflammatory Bowel Disease Development, Stephanie Eve Walsh
Predicting and Mitigating Civil Conflict: Vertical Grievances and Conflict in Central Africa, Jd Walter
Exploring How Clinical Social Workers Screen Women for ADHD, Beth A. Walters
Social Cognitive Theory Constructs That Predict Betel Nut Chewing Among Secondary Students, Lepani Waqatakirewa
Employee Retention Strategies within Information Technology Small Businesses, Felicia Tetee Washington
Sociodemographic Factors Associated With Abortion Rates Among Black Women in the United States, Lincoln Don Washington
Social Workers' Experiences with Pregnant and Parenting Teens in Alabama, Luanne Londria Washington-Woods
Education Toolkit on Restraint Reduction in the Intensive Care Unit, Sharon Watkins
Funding Impacts on Existing Social Workers Providing Services to African American Battered Women, Dalicia Victorica Watson
Grit and Female Graduates’ Experiences in Engineering and Computer Science Programs, Jennifer Ilene Watson
Exploring Faculty Perceptions of Campus Climate Before and After a Consolidation, Stephanie Denise Watson