Electronics and Computer Sales: Brick-and-Mortar Retail Strategies to Increase Revenue, Thomas Watson
Perceptions and Experiences of Nontraditional Undergraduate Students, Erica Beatrice Wattley
Exploring the Experiences of First Generation College Students, Maceo Daniel Wattley
Expressions of Sexual Deviance in Black Serial Killers, Lucia J. Weatherall
Faculty Perceptions of the Use of Virtual Learning Environments in Introductory Biology Courses, Whitley Shaina Webb
Perceptions, Potholes, and Possibilities of Using Digital Voice Assistants to Differentiate Instructions, Adrian A. Weir
Big Data Marketing Strategies for Improving Sales Revenues, Angela M. Welbaum
Development of a Clinical Practice Guideline for the Care of Transgender Patients, Wayne Zeh Wellington
Community Perceptions of a Rural Community College After a Replacement Levy Failure, Stephanie Wells-Mullins
An Exploration of Women Experiences in Leadership Positions within African Immigrant Churches in the United States, Abraham Simon Obodai Wentum
Effectiveness of Response to Intervention in Third Grade Reading Outcomes, Amanda Wentz
Sexual Behavior, Contraceptive Use, and Unmet Needs Among Unmarried Teenage Women in Uganda, Lawrence Were
Teachers' Perceptions of Teaching Reading and Mathematics in Inclusion Classrooms, Cherise Tabano Wesley
Assessing School-based Telehealth Utilization in Medically Underserved Communities, Danielle Wesley
African Americans Beliefs Regarding Skin Cancer and Prevention, Tamara Wesley
Attitudes Towards Intellectually Disabled Sex Offenders Regarding Treatment Efficacy, Responsibility, and Dangerousness, Allison Elizabeth Westphal
Rural Teacher Perceptions of Trauma on Youth, Tracey Faye Whetstone
Acculturative Experiences of African American Military Wives in an Arctic Environment, Demetria Roshan White
Strategies for Increasing Workforce Engagement, JoAnne White Hayes
Development Strategies for Privately Owned Fashion Boutiques, Tommy White Jr
Chronic Care Model for Management of Diabetes Mellitus, Junecia White
Emotional Intelligence and Psychopathic Personality Traits: Examination of Adult Male Sex Offenders in New Jersey, Kelly Rose White
Emotional Intelligence and Psychopathic Personality Traits: Examination of Adult Male Sex Offenders in New Jersey, Kelly Rose White
Emotional Intelligence and Psychopathic Personality Traits: Examination of Adult Male Sex Offenders in New Jersey, kelly rose white