Journal of Educational Research and Practice




There has been marked progress in access to education, representation of women in leadership, sexual reproductive health, and gender-based violence as a result of gender equality initiatives. However, there is still a strong focus on interventions targeting girls only. Through the adolescents’ lens, this study sought to establish if there is a preference for interventions targeting girls compared to boys in two urban informal settlements; and what benefits were realized from programming for both adolescent boys and girls enrolled in an after-school support program. We employed a thematic analysis approach to answer the research questions. Results showed that most interventions at the community and school levels tended to favor girls over boys despite both facing similar challenges. Some of the benefits of programming for both sexes included sharing academic knowledge; boys gaining knowledge and skills to enable them to be future champions of change; enhanced ability for the adolescents to keep away from social ills; better gains for the society; breaking the gender inequality cycle; and enhanced social-emotional skills. Evidence from this paper highlights that there is a need for program and policy stakeholders to consider gender-transformative approaches and interventions targeting both sexes to maximize gains in education, health, and well-being.
