Welcome to the Journal of Social Work in the Global Community. JSWGC is a peer-reviewed journal and recognizes that social work is a global phenomenon with a myriad of contributors and perspectives. The journal is open to social work practice and research both domestically and abroad.
Recent Content
Adult Sexual Grooming: A Systematic Review
Christin Aletky, Bonita Sharma, Jose Carbajal, and Tia Eubank
Social Work Field Education and Supervision: What a Global Pandemic Taught Us
Christie Jansing, Melissa Ketner, Lynn Shaw, Dianna Cooper-Bolinskey, and Stephanie Rudd
Evaluation of a Global Capacity Development Project to Educate, Empower and Advance Sustainable Food Production
Felicia J. Tuggle, Olubusola W. Afolayan MSW, Mollie Smith M.Aq., David J. Cline PhD, and Onesimus Kiadii BS
Navigating Professional Paradigms: Transactional Sex, Behavior Change, and Structural Responses in Uganda
Shelley K. White and Hugo A. Kamya