Submissions from 2016
Innovative Use of Force Field Analysis: Factors Influencing Technology-Enabled Change, Peter Rocky Toves, Linnaya M. Graf, and David A. Gould
Respecting Diversity in an Online Environment, Robyn Trippany-Simmons, Tiffany C. Rush-Wilson, and Breyan Haizlip
Building Resiliency in Counselors in Training for Counselors Educators, Yulanda Tyre, Maranda Griffin, and Robyn Trippany-Simmons
Evidence of collaboration among art makers in twelve Upper Paleolithic Caves, Leslie Van Gelder
Integration of Place-Based Education Into Science Classes From Prekindergarten Through Grade 5, Terri A. Wade-Lyles
Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Modifications in Sedation: an Update, Deborah Weatherspoon, Deborah Sullivan, and Christopher Weatherspoon
Obstructive sleep apnea and modifications in sedation, Deborah Weatherspoon, Debra Henline Sullivan, and Christopher Weatherspoon
Development and Testing of an Instrument to Measure Informatics Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Among Entry-Level Nursing Students, Diane K. Whitehead, Lynne E. Bryant, and Jo Ann Kleier
Insider Threat Detection In Corporate Espionage and Cyber-Espionage, Kirk Y. Williams
The Value of Personal Information, K Y. Williams, Dana-Marie Thomas, and LaToya N. Johnson
Benchmark Qualitative Study of Health Service Delivery in Botswana in 1989: Nurse Assessments of the Primary Healthcare System before the Nationwide Spread of HIV/AIDS, Debra Wilson, James G. Linn, and Thabo T. Fako
Parse’s Nursing Theory and its Application to Families Experiencing Empty Arms, Debra Rose Wilson
Terrorist Experts’ Perceptions of How the Internet Has Shaped International Terrorism, Samuel Forrest Wilson II, Teresa M. Lao Ph.D., and Ernesto Escobedo Dr.
Terrorist Experts’ Perceptions of How the Internet Has Shaped International Terrorism, Samuel F. Wilson II, Teresa M. Lao Ph.D., and Ernesto Escobedo Dr.
Breast Cancer during the Childbearing Years, Denise Estelle Wiseman and Deborah Weatherspoon
Cultural Perspectives on Social Responsibility in Higher Education, Iris M. Yob
Curriculum Alignment with a Mission of Social Change in Higher Education, Iris M. Yob, Steven L. Danver, Sheryl Kristensen, Wiilam Schulz, Kathy Simmons, Henry Brashen, Rebecca Sidler Krysiak, Linda Kiltz, Linda Gatlin, Suzanne Wesson, and Diane Robinson Penland
Finding High Risk Persons with Internet Tests to Manage Risk—A Literature Review with Policy Implications to Avoid Violent Tragedies, Save Lives and Money, Robert Zagar, Agata Karolina Zagar, Kenneth G. Busch, James Garbarino, Terri Ferrari, John Russel Hughes, Gordon Patzer, Joseph W. Kovach, William M. Grove, Steven Tippins, Steve Imgrund, Judge Julie Quinn Dempsey, and Brother Benjamin Basile
Dermatologic Changes in Pregnancy, Patrick M. Zito and Samantha J. Bartling
Overview of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Associated with Pregnancy, Patrick M. Zito and S J. Bartling
Submissions from 2015
The Role of Ultrasound in the Lebanese Outreach Setting, Reem Abu-Rustum, Fouad M. Ziade, and Hadi Danawi
Qualitative Case Study of Read-Aloud Expository Text Strategies, Grades K-2, Mary O. Adeyemo
CYP2A6 Polymorphisms May Strengthen Individualized Treatment for Nicotine Dependence, Yawo M. Akrodou
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Reform, Ali Al Ukaby
Motivation and Career-Development Training Programs: Use of Regulatory Focus to Determine Program Effectiveness, Peter J. Anthony
Use Mobile Communication Technologies to Increase Students’ Feelings of Connectedness and Instructor Support, Shelley N. Armstrong Dr.
Depression in Student-Athletes: a Particularly At-Risk Group? A Systematic Review of the Literature, Shelley N. Armstrong Dr., Michelle M. Burcin, Wendy Bjerke Ph.D., and Jody O. Early
Use Digital Communication Tools to Enhance Online Communities of Inquiry, Shelley N. Armstrong Dr., Michelle M. Burcin, and Jody O. Early
Collaboration to Demystify Racism, Beate Baltes
Ecological Contexts and Youth Civic and Political Engagement in Paris, France, Hee Jin Bang and LaRue Allen
The Closed File: Practicing Ethical Communication to Ensure Transparency, Shaniece Bickham
Exploring Critical Success Factors for Managing Complex Information Technology Projects in Federal Agencies, Kyle D. Boyles
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses in Class Teaching and Learning in Nursing, Tim Bristol
Test Item Writing: 3Cs for Successful Tests, Tim Bristol
The Nclex-Rn® in Clinical Teaching and Learning in Nursing, Tim Bristol
The Helping Professional's Guide to Ethics, Valerie Bryan, Scott Sanders, and Laura E. Kaplan
Education, Credentialing, and Professional Development, Matt Buckley and S. Henning
Factors Associated with a Lack of Pap Smear Utilization in Women Exposed in Utero to Diethylstilbestrol, Elizabeth A. Camp, Angela W. Prehn, Ji Shen, Arthur Herbst, William C. Strohsnitter, Christopher Hobday, Stanley J. Robboy, and Ervin Adam
Una Perspectiva Humanista para la Educación del Futuro: Revelaciones Internacionales, Tom Cavanagh, M.C. Nieto Angel, L.H. Fickel, and S. Macfarlaine
Using Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) and Data-Informed Decision Making to Ensure Teacher Readiness, Martha Cheney, Janet Elerene Williams, and Jennifer Knutson
Inpatient and Outpatient Treatment, Richard J. Cicchetti and Gary M. Szirony
African Renaissance and Globalization: A Conceptual Analysis and a Way Forward, Jose Cossa
A Review of Fatherhood Related Issues in the Country of Lebanon, Hadi Danawi and Tala Hasbini
Exploring Racial Disparity in St. Louis City Fetal-Infant Death, Hadi Danawi and Marie Peoples
Curriculum Alignment with a Mission of Social Change in Higher Education, Steven L. Danver, Iris M. Yob, Sheryl Kristensen, and Wiilam Schulz
Understanding Project Management A Three Dimensional Model for Understanding Projects and the Implications for Developing a Project Management Plan, Russell W. Darnall DM
An Argument for the Ed.D. Project Study as an Alternative to the Dissertation, Christina Dawson, Cheryl H. Keen, and C. Phillips
A Phenomenological Study of Nurse Manager Interventions Related to Workplace Bullying, Christina Dawson, Anita J. Skarbek, and Sandra Johnson
Support for Creativity and Innovation, Resistance to Change, Organizational Commitment and Motivation, Ify Diala and Samuel Ogbonnaya Ude
Student Development and Remediation Processes for Counselors in Training in a Virtual Environment, Abby E. Dougherty, Laura R. Haddock, and J. K. Coker
International metaphors, A. Duhon-Ross and Sherry Harrison
Planning for a Community Supported Farmers Market in a Rural USDA Food Desert, Carrie L. Engelbright
The 1907 Anti-Punjabi Hostilities in Washington State: Prelude to the Ghadar Movement, Paul Englesberg
The 1907 Bellingham Riot and Anti-Asian Hostilities in the Pacific Northwest, Paul Englesberg
Technology to Develop and Implement a Near-Miss Policy and Procedure, Cheryl Erickson, Carol Greulich, Lorie Lucas, and Tim Bristol
Identifying Cultural Themes in a Shared Experience of Water Hygiene Education Partners, Sarah M. Etheridge-Criswell
Pregnancy Apps: A Closer Look at the Implications for Childbirth Educators, Christine Frazer, Leslie Hussey, Emily Bosch, and Michelle Squire
The Association between Sleep Loss and Women’s Wellness Decisions, Gudeta D. Fufaa and Amber S. Linde
Are We There Yet? Data Saturation in Qualitative Research, Patricia I. Fusch Ph.D. and Lawrence R. Ness
A Couple’s Marital Disharmony and its Psychological Effects on their Children during the HIV Disclosure Process in Kenya, Grace Gachanja
A Rapid Assessment of Post-Disclosure Experiences of Urban HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative School-Aged Children in Kenya, Grace Gachanja
Support College Students with Disabilities Who Do Not Identify and Self-Advocate, Stephanie Gaddy
Support Students with Disabilities Who Transfer, Both into and out of Your Institution, Stephanie Gaddy
Trust Your Students to Take Risks, Stephanie Gaddy
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder, Brandy L. Gilea and Rachel M. O’Neill
Developing and Evaluating Client Treatment Plans, Laura R. Haddock, Michelle Perepiczka, and Ruth Outz Moore
Important Professional Issues in Addiction Counseling, M Haley and S.H. Golden
Building Productivity in Virtual Project Teams, William Hamersly and Denise Land
Empowering International Students to succeed in a global classroom and society, Sherry Harrison and A. Duhon-Ross
The Politics of the Hunger Games, Jamey Heit
Weighing in on the Body Knowledge Questionnaire: Initial Development and Pilot Testing, David A. Hernandez and Cheri Ann Hernandez
Community College Leaders’ Experiences in Adapting to Changing Student, Joyce Hewett
Fa-MI-ly: Experiential Techniques to Integrate Motivational Interviewing and Family Counseling, Karena J. Heyward, Jessica Lloyd-Hazlett, and Eleni Maria Honderich
Matching Goals, Developing Skills, and Getting the Most out of Clinical Placements, Rachel M. Hoffman O’Neill
Interaction of Neutrons with Alpha Particles: A Tribute to Heinz Barschall, Bernard (none) Hoop Jr.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder, E.F. Huspeth, D. M. Wirick, and K.M. Matthews
Vitamin D Deficiency and Immune Function in African American, HIV-Infected Men, Rana H. Ismail
The Strong Temple, Wayne J. Jacobs
Intersecting social justices in music education, Estelle R. Jorgensen
Shifting Paradigms in Music Education Research, Estelle R. Jorgensen and Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman
Health Care Education Is a Lifeline for the National Economy, Mountasser Kadrie Dr.
Childhood Obesity: Injuries, Physical Activity Recommendations and Behavior Change Strategies, Kimberly Kato
Health Behaviors of Mandated and Voluntary Students in a Motivational Intervention Program, Donna Kazemi, Maureen Levine, Jacek Dmochowski, K. Van Horn, K. Roger, and Li Qi
Engagement Multiplied: The Impact of Dialogue across Difference in Fostering Civic Mindedness and Civic Identity as Professionals, Cheryl H. Keen and D. Richard
Creating Activating Events for Transformative Learning in a Prison Classroom, Cheryl H. Keen and Robert Woods
Challenging the efficacy of different dental bleaching protocols, A. Koniaris and Vasileios Margaritis
Supervisors' Suggestions for Enhancing Counseling Regulatory Boards' Sanctioned Supervision Practices, Victoria E. Kress, Rachel O' Neill, Jake J. Protivnak, and Nicole Stargell
Stress in Childhood: Effects on Development, Steven Little and Angeleque Akin-Little
Counseling Couples Using Life Cycle and Narrative Therapy Lenses, C. R. Logan, Aaron H. Jackson, Lee A. Teufel-Prida, and D. M. Wirick
Diffusion of Rapid HIV Oral Testing Among Dental Professionals, E Mamai-Homata, H Koletsi-Kounari, J Snodgrass, Vasileios Margaritis, and Michelle Connor
An initial survey of health management online programs: commonalities, differences, and future trends, Linda J. Mast, Anne M. Hewitt, and Donald Zimmerman
Promoter Ownership and Working Capital Management Efficiency of Indian Manufacturing Firms, Neil Mathur, John D. Obradovich, Harvinder S. Mand, and Amarjit Gill
Leadership in Collegiate Soccer, Jack McCann, Thomas Kohntopp, and Power Home Remodeling Group
Teaching Writing Skills to Students for Clinical Competence and Professional Advocacy, K Elizabeth McDonald; Holly J. Hartwig Moorhead; and Anita A. Neuer Colburn,
Assessing and Managing Spider and Scorpion Envenomation, Stephen McGhee, Aaron Weiner, Alan Finnegan, Constance Visovsky, John M. Clochesy, and Brian Graves
Ethical Considerations for Undocumented Immigrants and Health, Sharon McGuire
Developing an online direct-assessment competency-based Masters of Healthcare Administration: Insights, challenges, and lessons learned, Lisa Monica McIntyre-Hite, Mountasser Kadrie Dr., Heather Pederson, and Terry Hudgins
Stress-Free Digital Activities for the First Days of School, Rebekah McPherson and Haley Wallace
Real Talk About Breast Cancer, Phyllis D. Morgan