Submissions from 2018
Exploring Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Effects of Child Sexual Abuse, Sandra Gray and Susan Rarick
Postsecondary Online Students’ Preferences for Text-Based Instructor Feedback, Joseph J. Gredler
Self care and self growth: A professional responsibility, Laura R. Haddock and Jeannie Falkner
History and development of family therapy, Melinda Haley, Rebecca Diane Nate, Sarah Heather Golden, and Anthony Zazzarino
Teacher and student demographic variables which predict teacher referral of males for special education evaluation, Sandra Harris and Sandra Harris
Food Science in an Era of Environmental Concern, Irana Hawkins
A Synergistic Treatment Approach for Insomnia and Nightmares in Veterans with PTSD, Mindy Heher, Neil Duchac, and Tami Frye
Impact of generation Z on the future of business and management strategies, Swinton Hudson
Making Your Wishes Known: Who Completes an Advance Directive and Shares It With Their Health Care Team or Loved Ones?, Megumi Inoue, Emily Ihara, and A.J. Terrillion
The Development of Moral Character in Business Students, Hamid H. Kazeroony and Craig Barton
Pregnancy and Support for Mental Illness, Betty Kohal
Servant leadership in the workplace, Thomas Kohntopp and J McCann
Cognitive Science and Health Bioinformatics: Advances and Applications, Raghu Korrapati, C H. Divakar, and Lavanya Devi
Best Practices for Early Bystander Intervention Training on Workplace Intimate Partner Violence and Workplace Bullying, Barbara Lassiter, Nancy Bostain, and Cheryl Lentz
Predicting road safety behavior with the implicit attitudes and the Theory of Planned Behavior, Rubén D. Ledesma, Jeremías D. Tosi, Carlos M. Díaz-Lázaroc, and Fernando M. Poó
Adult Public Library Patrons' Perceptions of an Academic Library E-Learning Resource, Lavonia Lonzo
Evaluating Factors of Autistic Hiring through Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior: The HASSQAC Scale, Angela Marie Mai and Victor Ferreros
Program Management for Faculty Development: Addressing the Changing Faculty Roles in a Direct Assessment Competency-Based Model, Linda J. Mast, Bobbi Winter, Miriam Ross, and Lisa Monica McIntyre-Hite
Developing a Sustainable Environment for Workplace Diversity, Jack McCann and Thomas Kohntopp
Adults with Liver Failure in the Intensive Care Unit: A Transplant Primer for Nurses, Cheryl McGinnis and Stacia Hays
CBEN's Quality Framework: A Case Study in Its Application to CBE Curriculum Quality Standards at Walden University, Lisa Monica McIntyre-Hite, Martha Cheney, Sandra Weinstein Bever, Linda J. Mast, and Alexander R. Hapka
Professional Behaviors and Dispositions: Counseling Competencies and Lifelong Growth, Candace McLain and Joelle P. Lewis
Exploring Interpersonal Communication, Scott McLean
Consequences of community water fluoridation cessation for Medicaid-eligible children and adolescents in Juneau, Alaska, Jennifer Meyer, Vasileios Margaritis, and Aaron Mendelsohn
Cultivating Diverse Online Classrooms Through Effective Instructional Design, Karen L. Milheim
Motivational Interviewing and Dual Diagnosis Clients: Enhancing Self-Efficacy and Treatment Completion, Martina S. Moore, Brande Flamez, and Gary Szirony
Grade Experience of Online Nurse Practitioner Students: Effects of Taking More Than 1 Clinical Course per Term, Phyllis D. Morgan, Jennifer Stone, Mahaman Moussa, Joshua Fogel, and Linda Steele
Are Hospital Efficiency and Quality of Care Affordable without External Revenue?, Frank Pieter M. Naus, Carol-Anne Faint, and Rocky J. Dwyer
Historical Influences on the practice of career counseling, Anita A. Neuer Colburn and Christine Danielle Jenkins
What types of data are used in learning analytics? An overview of six cases, Nicolae Nistor and Ángel Hernández-García
Vegetarianism, Timothy Radak
Multigenerational Financial Values: Differences Between Leaders In The Workplace, Terrence S. Ransom and Steven Tippins
Time Since First Acting on Same-Sex Attraction and Recreational Drug Use among Men Who Have Sex With Men (MSM): Is There an Effect of “Gay Age”?, Cara E. Rice, Sara A. Vasilenko, Stephanie T. Lanza, John A. Davis, Karen S. Fields, Melissa Ervin, and Abigail Norris Turner
Latino Immigrant Stressors, Emotional Exhaustion, Coping Resources and Work-Related Outcomes, Derek Rohde
Risk Factors for Bloodstream Infections Among an Urban Population with Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: A Retrospective Unmatched Case-Control Study, Michael J. Rybak, EJ Zasowksi, SCJ Jorgernsen, AM Langf, SL Davis, AB Mendelsohn, and Vasileios Margaritis
The Impact of Work-Related Stress on Medication Errors in Eastern Region Saudi Arabia, Abdul Salam, David Segal, Munir Ahmad Abu-Helalah, Mary Lou Gutierrez, Imran Joosub, Wasim Ahmed, Rubina Bibi, Elizabeth Clarke, and Ali Ahmed Al Qarni
Framework for Conducting and Writing a Synthetic Literature Review, Barbara Schirmer
Relevance of the IES/NSF Protocol to Identification of Evidence-Based Practices, Barbara R. Schirmer, Alison S. Lockman, and Todd N. Schirmer
A Comparison of the Effects of Sex Differences and Cohabitation Status on Parental Stress in Parents of Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tina Schneider, Magy Martin, Don Martin, and Jane Hale
Crossing the finish line: How to retain and graduate your students, Alan Seidman
High School Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Inquiry-Based Science Curriculum in the United States, Georgia, and Israel, Alia Sheety, Marika Kapandze, and Fadeel Joubran
Individual and group assessment and appraisal, Donna S. Sheperis, Michelle Perepiczka, and C. Limoges
Medical scribes and the EHR in the small physician practice, Chad C. Sines and Gerald R. Griffin
Pregnancy and intimate partner violence, Leann Stadtlander
Understanding Infant Pain, Leann Stadtlander
Socio-cultural distrust of Internet information, Kenneth David Strang
The Routledge Handbook of L.G.B.T.Q.I.A. Administration and Policy, Wallace Swan
Global Trends and Prostate Cancer: A Review of Incidence, Detection, and mortality as influenced by Race, Ethnicity, and Geographic Location, Harold E. Taitt Jr.
Servant Leaders as Change Agents, Janice P. Tanno and David K. Banner
Human Trafficking: Preparing Counselors to Work with Survivors, Jenae Thompson and Melinda Haley
Branding Strategies of a Private International School, Balasubramanian Varadarajan and Timothy M. Malone
Evaluating the Impact of Integrated Care on Service Utilization in Serious Mental Illness, Heidi C. Waters, Michael F. Furukawa, and Shari Jorissen
Baby's Skin, Deborah Weatherspoon and Debra Henline Sullivan
Gastrointestinal Issues and Complications, Deborah Weatherspoon and Debra Henline Sullivan
Teacher and Student Demographic Variables Which Predict Teacher Referrals of Males for Special Education Evaluation, Lorenzo Adrian Woodson and Sandra Harris
Empowering Parents of Gifted Students, Susannah M. Wood and Carrie Lynn Bailey
Prolonged Screen Viewing Times and Sociodemographic Factors among Pregnant Women: A Cross-Sectional Survey in China, Xianglong Xu, Dengyuan Liu, Yunshuang Rao, Huan Zeng, Fan Zhang, Lu Wang, Yaojie Xie, Manoj Sharma, and Zhao Zhao
Conceptual framework for a curriculum in social change, Iris M. Yob
Health care risk managers' consensus on the management of inappropriate behaviors among hospital staff, Sahar Ebrahim Zadeh, Robert E. Haussmann, and Craig Barton
Widespread Skin Necrosis Secondary to Gemcitabine Therapy, Patrick M. Zito, Adrianna M. Gonzalez, Joshua Fox, Megan Cronin, Nicholas Mackrides, Robert S. Kirsner, and Anna J. Nichols
Submissions from 2017
Regional Variation in Attitude of Mental Health Professionals Towards Tackling Illicit Drug-use and Drug-related Disorders, Olubusayo Akinola, Wen-Hung Kuo, John Oswald, and Olawunmi Obisesan
Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Sustainability in Small Businesses, David Amisano and Peter Anthony
Addressing Critical Multiculturalism in Online Education Using a Poly-Framework Approach, Srikanta Banerjee and Jill A. Firtell
Diabetes and Cardiorenal Syndrome: Understanding the “Triple Threat”, Srikanta Banerjee and Raymond Panas
A mixed-method exploratory study of interprofessional education in social work at historically Black colleges and universities: A faculty perspective, Kim Brittingham Barnett, Ellen Livingston, Bobbie Perdue, Phyllis D. Morgan, and Joshua Fogel
Trauma and stress related disorders: Rhonda, Brooks Bastian Hanks and Torey Portrie-Bethke
Effects of written peer-feedback content and sender's competence on perceptions, performance, and mindful cognitive processing, Markus Berndt, Jan-Willem Strijbos, and Frank Fischer
E-Mentoring the Online Doctoral Student from the Dissertation Prospectus through Dissertation Completion, Ronald Black
Growing Fit Together: Including Social Support in Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness, Kimberlee Bethany Bonura
Children's Voices About the Functions of Their Social Supports: Multicountry Perspectives, Amanda P. Borja, Bonnie Nastasi, and Sreeroopa Sarkar
The President Management Agenda: An Examination of Federal Employees’ Perceptions, Famane Brown
The Relationship Between Social Change Involvement and Education, Michelle S. Brown and Beate Baltes
Grounded theory methodology, Matt Buckley
Psychodynamic Theories: Approaches and Applications, Matthew R. Buckley and Stephanie Scott
Relational Functioning: Understanding Bipolar and Related Disorders, Matthew R. Buckley and Stephanie Scott
Emerging Evidence Regarding the Roles of Emotional, Behavioural, and Cognitive Aspects of Student Engagement in the Online Classroom, Gary Burkholder and Gary Burkholder
Introduction to the counseling profession, David Thomas Capuzzi and Douglas R. Gross
Attachment, acculturative stress, social supports, separation and marital distress in Mexican and Central American adult immigrants separated from primary caregivers as children, Isaac Carreon and Susan Rarick
Implementing a Veteran-Centered Community Health Clinical Experience in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program, Barbara Champlin and Dorcas Elisabeth Kunkel
Improving the Parent–Adolescent Relationship With Adventure-Based Counseling: An Adlerian Perspective, David D. Christian, Kristi L. Perryman, and Torey Portrie-Bethke
Brazilian Women Entrepreneurs: Exploring Sustainability as a Strategy for Developing Resilient Business Organizations, Maria Ana Church and Tim Truitt
Counseling in clinical mental health and private practice settings, J. Kelly Coker and Savitri Dixon-Saxon
Teacher educators as collegial mentors: Integrating instructional technologies through an extended community of practice professional development approach, Caroline M. Crawford
Are Stressful Life Events (SLEs) Associated with the Utilization of Substance Use Treatment-Related Services?, M Cruz-Feliciano, Aimee Ferraro, and Angela W. Prehn
Are stressful life events (SLEs) associated with the utilization of substance use treatment-related services?, M Cruz-Feliciano, Aimee Ferraro, and Angela W. Prehn
Baseball: Covering all bases in case conceptualization, Penelope Dahlen and M Johnson
Creative Arts in Clinical Supervision, Kelly Dunbar Davison
Systemic Functioning of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Kelly Dunbar Davison, Joelle France, and C.M. McLain-Tait
Surfing the Web with a Cave-Man Brain, or Art Appreciation 40,000 BCE, W. Sumner Davis
Is the development of policy in New Zealand based on prevention first?, Garth den Heyer
Policing Cost Reduction Strategies: An International Survey, Garth den Heyer
LGBTQ Topics and Christianity in Social Work: Tackling the Tough Questions, Adrienne Dessel, Jeanna Jacobsen, David McCarty-Caplan, and Terry Lewis
Personal Counseling in Academic Programs with Counselor Trainees, Meredith J. Drew, Mark D. Stauffer, and William Barkley
Applying the Military Success Model to School Age Children, Neil Duchac, Jill Minor, Kerry Spitzer, and Tami Frye
Implications of Traffic Analysis to Homeland Security, Bob Duhainy
Energy-based device treatment of melasma: An update and review of the literature, S Dunbar, D Posnick, B Bloom, C Elias, Patrick M. Zito, and DJ Goldberg
Understanding Health Literacy Skills in Patients with Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes, Paticia Laubach Dunn, Vasileios Margaritis, and Cheryl L. Anderson
Enhancing Informal Patient Education in Nursing Practice: A Review of Literature, Paticia Laubach Dunn and Karen L. Milheim
Playing the game of health: Best practices for health optimization in a worksite setting with a case study of a real world example, Patrick Dunn, Scott Conard, and Lauren Kirschner