Single-Term Soldiers’ Job Satisfaction and Job Meaningfulness in Second Careers, Bethanie Hiramoto
Single-Term Soldiers’ Job Satisfaction and Job Meaningfulness in Second Careers, Bethanie Hiramoto
Perceptions of Black Women Educational Leaders on Anti-black Women Leadership Syndrome, Rashida Hobbs-Jones
Human Services Professionals' Perspectives on U.S. Homeless Veterans' Access to Social Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kemnesia Hobbs
The Impact of Using a Financial Advisor on Financial Success, William Lance Hocutt
The Impact of Using a Financial Advisor on Financial Success, William Lance Hocutt
The Relationship Between College Credits Earned in a Community College Dual Enrollment Program and First-Year Grade Point Average, Johnesa Hodge
The Relationship Between College Credits Earned in a Community College Dual Enrollment Program and First-Year Grade Point Average, Johnesa Hodge
Strategies for Improving the Interoperability of Private Practices’ Electronic Health Care Systems, Anasa N. Holden
Strategies for Improving the Interoperability of Private Practices’ Electronic Health Care Systems, Anasa N. Holden
Perceptions of 9-1-1 Telecommunicators High-Stress Emergency Calls, Danielle Holland
Developing Consensus on the Use of Emotional Intelligence Training in Small Utility Companies, Nathaniel E. Holloway
Developing Consensus on the Use of Emotional Intelligence Training in Small Utility Companies, Nathaniel E. Holloway
Obstacles and Enablers for Employing Internal Control Practices Faced by Nonprofit Leaders, Tammy L. Holloway
Perspectives of Adults Who Experienced Joint Physical Custody as Children, Leslie Hope Holthoff
Experiences of Black Women in the Workforce, Neferiatiti Lukina Holt
The Lived Experience of Lung Cancer Patients With Psychological Health and Physical Activity, Donna LeeAnn Homkes
The Lived Experience of Lung Cancer Patients With Psychological Health and Physical Activity, Donna LeeAnn Homkes
Rape Myth Acceptance and Attitudes Toward Bystander Intervention Among Division III College Student Athletes and Nonathletes, Del Rey Honeycutt
Occupational Stress in Long Term Care in Georgia and Virginia During the COVID-19 Pandemic, LaCountess Renee Hooks
Occupational Stress in Long Term Care in Georgia and Virginia During the COVID-19 Pandemic, LaCountess Renee Hooks
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Disparities in Alabama Hospitals and Patient Experience, Phillimena Ashley Hopkins
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Disparities in Alabama Hospitals and Patient Experience, Phillimena Ashley Hopkins
Organizational Leadership Culture and Gender Inequality in the C-Suite, Rocelia Hornbuckle
Effect of Family Engagement on the Behavioral Health of Mentally Ill Offenders, Jessica Rae Horn