Female Students' Experiences in an Old Testament Bible Course at a Christian University, Janet K. Puls
The Relationship between Overweight and Obesity and Acculturation of 12- to 19-Year-Old Mexican American Children, Elsa Ramirez-Brisson
Influence of Coping Styles on Social Support Seeking Among Cancer Patient Family Caregivers, Sandra Renee Rankin
A Case Study Exploring the Transition to Middle School From the Perspective of Students, Kelly A. Rappa
Administering and Implementing the Singapore Mathematics Curriculum at a Learning Center, Hannah Colette Reaume
An Action Plan for Improving Mediocre or Stagnant Student Achievement, Kimberley B. Redmond
Latino English Language Learners in Middle School and the Effect of General Education Teachers' Use of the Lesson Study Collaborative Model, Chauncey Dante Reese
The Relationship Between Top Leaders' Observed Narcissistic Behaviors and Workplace Bullying, Deborah A. Regnaud
The association of mentorships and leadership practices with nursing faculty retention, Lisa M. Rettenmeier
Exploring Increased Productivity Through Employee Engagement, Wayne K. Richards Jr.
A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Unique Experience of Male Elementary Teachers, Alberta N. Richardson
Protocol Use in a Professional Learning Community: Teachers' Perceptions of Instructional Design and Understanding of Students' Critical Thinking, Jeffery D. Rieck
The Experience of Menopause As reported by Sedentary Women, April Elizabeth Ann Rietdyk
Influential Factors That Affect Retention and Language Acquisition in Beginning ESL Adults Students, Luis Manuel Rodriguez-Garcia
Effect of Political Skill on Perception of Organizational Politics and Work Withdrawal among Community College Employees, David John Ross
Rural Retiree Volunteer Motivations for Nonfamily-Based Intergenerational Communication, Jennifer JM. Salisbury
Patient adherence to oral oncolytics, Holly SanSoucie
The relationship between cell phone use and identity theft, Lewis O. Saunders
The Relationship Between Computer-mediated Communication and the Employment of Deaf People, James A. Schiller
A Mixed Methods Examination of the Influence of Dimensions of Support on Training Transfer, Laura A. Schindler
Standardized Professional Development Content Validation for Educators, Sara J. Sharp
A Case Study Investigating Teachers' Knowledge and Implementation of Response to Intervention, Regina Sims
The Influence of Trust and Affective Organizational Commitment on Intent to Leave, Melvin, Jr. Sinclair
Impact of Nutrition Education on Student Learning, Lydia Singura