Learning Without Onboarding: How Assessing and Evaluating Learning Benefits New Information Technology Hires, Dory L. Morris
The Impact of Industrial Technician Skill Losses at a West Tennessee Manufacturer, Kenneth W. Moten
Barriers to Healthcare Access for Members of the Bronx Ghanaian Immigrant Muslim Community in New York City, Adam A. Musah
Responses of Successful Latina Students to Academic Challenges of Prerequisite Nursing Courses, Julie Wiggins Nadeau
Assessing the Impact of Mandated Standards for Teaching on United States History Achievement Scores in Public Schools, Erick W. Nason
Credit Default Swaps Regulation and the Use of Collateralized Mortgage Obligations in U.S. Financial Institutions, Jon Patraic Neill
Evolution of Physician-Centric Business Models Under Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Tanya Nix
Biometrics Technology: Understanding Dynamics Influencing Adoption for Control of Identification Deception Within Nigeria, Gideon U. Nwatu
A Case Study Investigating the Interpretation and Implementation of the Transformative Mediation Technique, Chuks Petrus Nweke
Ethical Leadership and Good Governance in Nigerian Local Governments, Bartholomew Okechukwu Okagbue
Professional Development For K--12 Charter School Teachers in Jersey City: Effects on Student Achievement, Davidson Okere
Continual Energy Management Dynamics: Energy Efficiency in U.S. Automotive Manufacturing Industry, Cem O. Onus
Project Management Competencies Leading to Technology Implementation Success at a Community College, Bradford Orcutt
Content Area Literacy: Relationship Between Lesson Design and Professional Development, Jodi Owens-Kristenson
Leadership and Attitudes on Adopting Evidence-Based Practice for Influenza Vaccination, Pamela A. Paparone
Inquiry-based laboratory investigations and student performance on standardized tests in biological science, Usha Patke
Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of the Effects of High-Stakes Testing, Amy Pavia
The impact of technology on the development of expertise and teacher beliefs, Diane Robinson Penland
Divided Timed and Continuous Timed Assessment Protocols and Academic Performance, David Perucca
Improving community college faculty effectiveness through technology-based learning communities, David Mark Peter
The Nature and Impact of Cyberbullying on the Middle School Student, Jacqueline K. Pilkey
Connection Between Early Childhood Teachers' Beliefs and Practices Regarding Play, Robin L. Ploof
An Examination of Awareness of Over-the-Counter Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Adverse Events, Michelle Popa
The Effectiveness of Response to Intervention to Improve High School Students' Reading Skills, Ann-Marie Popwell
An Examination of Small Businesses' Propensity to Adopt Cloud-Computing Innovation, Steven E. Powelson