Using Sustainable Development as a Competitive Strategy, Pat Spearman
Probe Method's Impact on Students' Motivation and Critical Thinking Skills, Diane Marie Specht
Perceptions of Mode Selection of Textbook Delivery across Course Subjects, Gail M. Spencer-scott
Educators' Perceptions of a 21st Century Digital Literacy Framework, Stephen Spengler
Preceptor Training and Nurse Retention, Laurie Lynn Squillaci
Ability Grouping Interventions and Math Performance Among Inner-City School, Vladimir Sreckovic
Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction Among Child Welfare Staff, Meresa L. Stacy
A Qualitative Case Study of Facebook and Its Perceived Impact on Social Connectivity, Janet Staker Woerner
Predictor Variables of Online Sports Problem Gambling by College Fraternity Members, Matt Stanley
An Investigation of Teacher Librarians' Use of Interactive Whiteboard Technology for Literacy Instruction, Judith Carroll Stanton
Parental Personality Domains and Predicting the Effectiveness of Treatment for Nocturnal Enuresis, Lonnie M. Stapp
Media Literacy Education Exposure related to Self-Esteem, Body Esteem, and Sociocultural Ideals in College Students and Graduates, Tammy Stargardt
Cultural Competence in Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists, Martina Renee Steed
Cortisol Levels and Voltage Conditions of College Students, Adriana Steffens
Perceptions of Home and Small Business Owners on Insurance in Accra, Ghana, Helen Stevens-Benefo
The Effect of Healing Touch Therapy for Youth Diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder, Kelli Stiles
A Transition-to-Practice Residency That Supports the Nurse Practitioner in a Critical Access Hospital, Nancy Jean Stock
Exploring Online Community College Course Completion and a Sense of School Community, Kathleen Stone
Employment Outcomes for Participants in the Workforce Investment Act Youth Program, Angie Gail Stout
The Impact of a Multifaceted Intervention on student Math and ELA Achievement, Olivean Strachan
Support of Maternity Care Practices to Increase Breastfeeding Among First-Time Mothers, Jessica Strauch
Exploring the Experiences and Relationships of First-Year Teachers and Mentors, Melanie Jane Strey
Exploring Protégé Perceptions of Success and Failure in Formal, Jeffrey Wayne Strickland
The Effects of Parental Motivations on Home-Based and School-Based Parental Involvement, Steve C. Strickland