Date of Conferral
Counselor Education and Supervision
Laura Haddock
Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence (IPV), continues to be an issue in the United States, despite various intervention approaches and efforts to improve them over the past 40 years. Even if IPV offenders attend treatment and pursue rehabilitation, current efforts appear marginally effective in reducing its reoccurrence. The purpose of this ex-post facto, comparative, quantitative study was to determine whether there was a significant difference in outcomes between male offenders (N = 126) who attended treatment programs that participated in a tripartite collaboration with probation and victim services versus offenders (N = 126) who did not. Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory provided the framework within which to examine the impact of such collaboration (independent variable). Outcomes were measured by recidivism (probation violations, re-arrests, violent re-offenses, and orders of protection), successful completion of probation, and successful completion of treatment (dependent variables). The information was coded and then analyzed in SPSS using chi-square analyses. The study showed statistical significance between the groups for successful completion of probation and treatment, re-arrest within two years of terminating from probation, and violent re-offenses. It did not show statistical significance regarding other dependent variables. This study is important for probation officers, treatment providers, victims, offenders, and their communities because it shows how the current system can improve.
Recommended Citation
Stagner, Cedar, "Examining the Impact of Collaboration between Probation, Victim Services, and Offender Treatment Providers on Domestic Violence Offender Outcomes" (2015). Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies. 1576.