Children of Holocaust Survivors on Middle-Age: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Elizabeth Rosenberg
Factors Involved in Successful Second-Generation Legacy Perpetuation in Independent Insurance Agencies, Christina Marie Rosensteel
Faculty Perceptions on the Student Learning Accountability Movement, Tara Rose
Living with Diabetes: Experiences from Jamaican Diabetes Clinics in Kingston and Morant Bay, Mary Ross Ross
Knowledge Sharing Intentions in Wholesale Distribution Organizations, Andrew E. Roth
Increasing Family Engagement in an Elementary School, Catherine Pearson Roy
Impact of Simulation on Nurses' Satisfaction, Confidence, and Communication in Neonatal Resuscitation, Kathryn Rudd
Penalty Enhancement Laws and the Reporting of Patient Assaults on Emergency Department Nurses, Thomas Runkle
Service-Disabled Veteran Small Business Owners' Success Strategies, Calvin Lewis Russell
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment Impacts on Academic and Social Performance, Mark Allen Russell
Risk Factors and Outcomes for Bloodstream Infections Among Patients with Skin Infections, Michael Rybak Rybak
Nurse Practitioner Residency Programs: An Educational Journey, Gregory Paul Rys
Teachers' Perceptions of Differentiated Learning for At-Risk Second-Grade Students in Reading, Morelisa Lakisha Sabb-Cordes
Determining Small Business Cybersecurity Strategies to Prevent Data Breaches, Jennifer Saber
Predictability of Delinquency through Psychosocial and Environmental Variables across Three Generational Status Groups, Margaret Frances Sabia
Evaluating Structured Education in Acute Care Setting Targeting Pressure Ulcer Risks, Anne Sahingoz
Socioeconomic Status as a Predictor of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Hilaire Saint-Pierre
The Effects of Using Invoice Factoring to Fund a Small Business, Ivan Justin Salaberrios
The Impact of Work-Related Stress on Medication Errors by Health Care Professionals in Saudi Arabian Hospitals, Abdul Salam
Experiences of Colorado Parents as They Recognized Their Child's Mental Illness, Lori Salgado
Relocation Based on Slow-Onset Climate-Induced Environmental Change in Keta, Ghana, Abdul-Moomin Ansong Salifu
Leadership Advancement and Mentoring of Women Into Chief Financial Officer Roles, Jenny Salkeld
Identifying Barriers to Graduation for Nontraditional Students, Abena Salvant
Teachers' Perceptions of the Effect of Their Attire on Middle-School Students' Behavior and Learning, Elizabeth Clemons Sampson
The Impact of Free Healthcare on Hospital Deliveries in Sierra Leone, Salifu Salito Samura